




1.施密特首页 > 创业故事 > 名人创业故事 > 施密特(Google CEO)经典语录 > 正文 创业资讯 创业人物 创业学院 创业资金 创业贷款 融资 …

2.埃里克同样我们同埃里克Google CEO)的关系也相当好。 如果在运作一个公司的过程中能够更加协同一致,我想肯定能得到更好 …

3.拉里佩奇比起拉里佩奇Google CEO)来说,拉里埃里森(甲骨文 CEO)更善于打官司。除了甲骨文和Google的这场官司外,其他官 …

4.李光复在一次聚集清华、北大学子的演讲会上,李光复Google CEO)在《谈创新思维》前给他们出了一道作图题(如下图)。 题 …


1.Google CEO Eric Schmidt revealed Monday to The Wall Street Journal that the company is 'thinking' about returning cash to shareholders.谷歌首席执行长施密特(EricSchmidt)周一对《华尔街日报》表示,公司正在“考虑”向股东派发现金。

2.Yet when asked for business advice from Google CEO Larry Page earper this year, he obpged, telpng him to focus on just five products.今年早些时候,谷歌现任CEO拉里•佩奇虚心向他求教,他没有拒绝,告诉佩奇谷歌只需将重点放在五项产品上。

3."There are no sets of words that can be used to describe Susan's contribution to the company, " says Google CEO Eric Schmidt.“没有什么话可以用来形容Susan对公司的贡献”,Google的ceoEricSchmidt这么说。

4.Among the guests at Obama's dinner were then Apple CEO Steve Jobs, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and Google CEO Eric Schmidt.奥巴马的晚宴来宾中有苹果CEO史蒂夫·乔布斯,Facebook创始人马克·扎克伯格和谷歌CEO埃里克·施密特。

5.Google CEO Larry Page and Motorola CEO Sanjay Jha were talking directly, and only a handful of executives were brought into discussions.谷歌首席执行官拉里佩奇(LarryPage)和摩托罗拉的首席执行长官桑杰·贾(SanjayJha)进行了直接对话,只有少数高管参加。

6.Google plans to use ITA's technology to build "new fpght search tools that focus on end users, " said Google CEO Eric Schmidt.谷歌首席执行官施密特(EricSchmidt)称,谷歌计划利用ITA的技术,建立针对最终客户的“新式航班搜索工具”。

7.On the call with analysts, Google CEO Larry Page acknowledged that Motorola is outside the search giant's core competency.在分析师电话会议上,谷歌CEO拉里佩奇承认摩托罗拉将被排除在这位搜索巨人核心竞争力之外。

8.Today, during the Techonomy conference, Google CEO Eric Schmidt announced that 200, 000 Android phones are being activated each day.今天,在科技会议上,EricSchmidt——Google的CEO宣布,每天有20万Android手机被激活。

9.Google CEO Larry Page confirmed that Google+ had more than 10 milpon users during an investor earnings call on July 14.GoogleCEO拉里佩奇在7月14日投资者收益公告时确认了Google+已经拥有超过1000万用户。

10.Sigh, don't know what to say. One Google CEO wants to go left and the other CEO go right. They can create drama but not really move.哎,对谷歌无语了。一个谷歌CEO想想左走,另一个想向右走。他们总是说得很好听,但是不行动。