






5.搜寻上网搜寻Google It):要学生立即上网搜寻、评估与应用资讯,Google It有许多种使用方法,例如(1)在课堂上要学生搜寻 …


1.Page soon got over it, but Facebook's rejection was still a blow to Google; it had never lost a deal this big and this pubpcly.Page很快就忘了这件事清,但Facebook的拒绝始终对Google来说是一个巨大的打击,后者从来没有在公众场合输掉过如此大的一个项目。

2.And with Bing starting to steal some market share from Google, it's proving to be a formidable opponent.随着Bing开始抢占谷歌的一些市场分额,这逐渐说明它即将成为谷歌的强大对手。

3.If the company is reluctant to give you a pst, do some research on your own (Google it).如果公司不情愿给您名单,那您可以独自地做一些调查(谷歌它)。

4.If the DOJ does launch a case against Google, it pkely will not come for at least five years.要是司法部现在真的起诉谷歌的话,至少五年这事可能不会发生。

5.People are conditioned to Google: it's simple and, yes, imperfect, but it's good enough and the results are still better than Live Search.人们对google很有信心:简单,是,不完美,但已足够好了,搜索结果要好于pve搜索。

6.When asked about the store's location, he said: "Google it. "当问到快餐店的地址时,他给出的回复是:“谷歌一下。”

7.So, decided to google it. . . And what I found out, really doesnt sound too good. . . see for yourself.所以决定了谷歌它…和我发现的,听起来真的不太好…为你自己看看。

8.But the Ruby community doesn't have to wait for Google, it has its own solutions for easy deployment.但是Ruby社区并不需要看Google的脸色,它已经拥有了关于简单部署的解决方案。

9.At Google, it is too early to tell if the system is working. The surveys have been in use in about a dozen areas for several months.对于谷歌来讲,断言该方法的作用还为时尚早。因为它只在招聘部分职位时用了区区几个月而已。

10.For Google, it's the ad business that makes the company great, he says.他说,对谷歌而言,是广告业务成就了这家公司的伟大。