




1.哥哥从哥哥gor gor)升级成为 uncle...再说,让一个几岁的小孩,叫我哥哥,有点难为情 lor...有时,我真的觉得 …

2.歌哥 歌哥 (GOR GOR)价目一览: 长堤总店 地址:广州市越秀区 长堤 大马路322号电话: 020-81324030/813240...歌新左,但我 …

3.张国颖主要演员:朱柏谦(独立乐队「朱凌凌」成员)、温卓妍、张国颖Gor Gor)特邀演员:刘雅丽相关连结:演戏家族康文署岑 …


1.Ah Mui said such report is not fair to the kid. She said that magazine is the enemy of Gor Gor , is one of the murderers.阿梅称这报道对细路仔(指霆锋)不公平,她称某传媒是哥哥(张国荣)的仇人,是凶手之一。

2.Actually Gor Gor always wished to direct a movie of his won, this wish has not been fulfilled yet.其实哥哥一直以来都有个心愿未了,就是执起导演筒拍摄一套属于自己的电影。

3.Ah Mui mentioned that Gor Gor 's death made her reapzed that she has to spend more time with people around her and care about them more.阿梅指哥哥的事件令她有所顿悟,希望放多些时间关怀身边的人。

4.She lost temper when talked about the whole thing, and said Gor Gor died partly because of this magazine.阿梅谈起此事就大发脾气,还指哥哥过世都是因为某传媒所累。

5.Gor Gor asked me yesterday, I will fall for which type of guys.哥哥昨天才问我,以后的我会爱上怎样的男人。