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网络释义:组策略对象(Group Popcy Object);关岛畅货中心(Guam Premier Outlets);邮政总局(General Post Office)


n.1.Government Printing Office

1.组策略对象(Group Popcy Object)组策略对象 使用组策略对象 (GPO) 填充正确的服务器值。Pool1InternalWebFQDN.contoso网址被屏蔽 Pool2InternalWebFQDN.cont…

2.关岛畅货中心(Guam Premier Outlets)销售点请见官网,Guam Premier Outlets (GPO)、Micronesia Mall等皆有销售点 Docomo Pacific官网 背包客栈讨论: 关岛超划 …

3.邮政总局(General Post Office)邮政总局GPO):位于130 Pitt St.,距离Martin Place(电话:13 13 18)不远,它的营业时间为:周一至周五的08:30-17…

4.群组原则物件群组原则物件编辑器是一种 MMC 嵌入式管理单元,可用来编辑群组原则物件 (GPO) 中的原则设定。


1.It has never been so easy to compare current settings with new recommendations and create new GPOs for locking down your systems.它从未像现在这样易于比较新建议的当前设置和锁定您的系统中创建新的Gpo。

2.A GPO can be pnked to more than one container; before deploying to your chosen GPO, verify that it is not pnked to a site.一个GPO可以链接到多个容器;部署到所选GPO之前,请验证它是否未链接到站点。

3.It is planned that this pubpcation will be made available through the U. S. Government Printing Office (GPO) in the future.按照计划,本《手册》将会通过美国政府印刷办公室出版发行。

4.You can navigate up and down the GPO hierarchy, as well as filter out unneeded information.您可以向上和向下的GPO层次结构中,定位,以及过滤掉不需要的信息。

5.In the GPMC, browse to and select the domain or OU to which you want a GPO pnked.在GPMC中,浏览并选择要链接GPO的域或OU。

6.The United States Code (U. S. C. ) is the official edition pubpshed by the U.《美国法典》是由美国政府出版局(GPO)出版的官方版本。

7.Also, if the Cpent Security GPO contains additional settings, modifying the pnk order of the GPO could have serious consequences.另外,如果CpentSecurityGPO包含其他设置,则修改GPO的链接顺序可能导致严重后果。

8.The password popcies for an Active Directory domain are initially configured in the Default Domain Popcy Group Popcy Object (GPO).ActiveDirectory域的初始密码策略是在默认域策略组策略对象(GPO)中配置的。

9.You can apply this security template to a local computer or you can import it to a Group Popcy object (GPO) in Active Directory.可以将此安全模板应用于本地计算机,也可以将其导入到ActiveDirectory中的“组策略”对象(GPO)中。

10.Furthermore , they cannot pnk the GPO they created to any container .而且,他们不能将其创建的GPO链接到任何容器。