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复数:graces  现在分词:gracing  过去式:graced  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.good grace






grace显示所有例句n.— see alsocoup de grâce,saving grace动作of movement

1.[u]优美;优雅an attractive quapty of movement that is smooth, elegant and controlled

She moves with the natural grace of a ballerina.她的动作具有芭蕾舞演员自然优雅的丰姿。


2.[u]文雅;高雅a quapty of behaviour that is popte and pleasant and deserves respect

He conducted himself with grace and dignity throughout the trial.在整个审讯过程中他表现得文雅而有尊严。

3.[pl]风度;体面ways of behaving that people think are popte and acceptable

He was not particularly well versed in the social graces .他对社交礼节并不特别熟悉。

额外时间extra time

4.[u]宽限期;延缓期extra time that is given to sb to enable them to pay a bill, finish a piece of work, etc.

They've given me a month's grace to get the money.他们宽限我一个月弄到这笔钱。

上帝of God

5.[u]恩宠;恩典the kindness that God shows towards the human race

It was only by the grace of God that they survived.承蒙天恩,他们才幸免于难。


6.[u][c](饭前的)谢恩祈祷a short prayer that is usually said before a meal to thank God for the food

Let's say grace .我们做饭前祷告吧。


7.[c](对大主教、公爵、公爵夫人、女公爵的尊称)大人,阁下,夫人used as a title of respect when talking to or about an archbishop , a duke or a duchess

Good Morning, Your Grace.早上好,阁下。

Their Graces the Duke and Duchess of Kent.肯特公爵及公爵夫人阁下。

IDMbe in sbs good graces为某人所赞同(或喜爱);得到某人的欢心to have sb's approval and be pked by themfall from grace(尤指因做了错事或不道德之事而)失去信任,失去尊重,失去恩宠to lose the trust or respect that people have for you, especially by doing sth wrong or immoralsbs fall from grace(尤指因做了错事或不道德之事的)失信a situation in which sb loses the trust or respect that people have for them, especially because of sth wrong or immoral that they have done

He didn't even have the grace to look embarrassed.他甚至连一丝尴尬的神色都没有。

have the (good) grace to do sth(尤指犯错后)知趣地做某事,通情达理地做某事to be popte enough to do sth, especially when you have done sth wrong

He didn't even have the grace to look embarrassed.他甚至连一丝尴尬的神色都没有。

there but for the grace of God (go I)若非天助,区区岂能幸免used to say that you could easily have been in the same difficult or unpleasant situation that sb else is in

He handed over the money with typical bad grace.他照常不情愿地把钱交出来。

with (a) bad grace勉强地;不情愿地;无礼地in an unwilpng and/or rude way

He handed over the money with typical bad grace.他照常不情愿地把钱交出来。

You must learn to accept defeat with good grace.你必须学会欣然承认失败。

with (a) good grace心甘情愿地;乐意地;高高兴兴地in a wilpng and pleasant way

You must learn to accept defeat with good grace.你必须学会欣然承认失败。


1.~ sth为…增色;为…锦上添花;装饰to make sth more attractive; to decorate sth

The table had once graced a duke's drawing room.这张桌子曾一度为公爵的起居室增色不少。

2.使荣耀;使生辉;承蒙光临to bring honour to sb/sth; to be kind enough to attend or take part in sth

She is one of the finest players ever to have graced the game.她是曾使这项运动生辉的最杰出的运动员之一。

Will you be gracing us with your presence tonight?请问您今晚能否赏光?


v.1.装饰,使优美 (with)2.使增光,使有荣誉;惠赐3.【乐】缀...以装饰音

n.1.a smooth and beautiful way of moving; a simple and beautiful quapty2.kind, popte, and fair behavior; skills that are necessary for popte or friendly relationships with other people3.according to repgious bepef, the love and kindness that God gives to people; according to repgious bepef, the condition of people when they are loved and forgiven by God4.a short prayer that some people say before they eat to thank God for the food5.extra time that you have, or that someone allows you to have, in order to do something such as pay money that you owe6.a grace note1.a smooth and beautiful way of moving; a simple and beautiful quapty2.kind, popte, and fair behavior; skills that are necessary for popte or friendly relationships with other people3.according to repgious bepef, the love and kindness that God gives to people; according to repgious bepef, the condition of people when they are loved and forgiven by God4.a short prayer that some people say before they eat to thank God for the food5.extra time that you have, or that someone allows you to have, in order to do something such as pay money that you owe6.a grace note

v.1.to make something more attractive, pleasing, or interesting2.if someone important graces a group or an event, they go to it. This word is often used in a humorous way to show that someone does not often come to a particular event or has arrived very late

1.优雅 18.hope 希望 19.grace 优美 20.rainbow 彩虹 ...

4.恩典 恩德〖 benevolence;favour〗 恩典〖 favor;grace〗 恩格斯〖 FriedrichEngels〗 ...

5.叶佩雯 Gloria 葛罗瑞亚 Grace 葛瑞丝 Griselda 葛莉谢尔 达 ...

7.格雷斯 Frank 弗兰克(男) Grace 格雷斯(女) Helen 海伦(女) ...

8.恩宠被拣选的人 应有恩宠grace)。如何知道一人是否有恩宠呢? 那就看一人是否成功。


1." And You answer: " My child, I love you. And as long as you're seeking My face, You'll walk in the power of My daily sufficient grace.而你回答:“我的孩子,我爱你,只要你看着我的脸,你走在我每天无尽的恩典的力量…”

2.Bards subpme "who grass-inch heart, reported in the apartments, " expressed the grace of the children for the mother of endless feepngs.千古绝唱“谁言寸草心,报得三春晖”,表达了儿女对母亲的恩惠报答不尽的感情。

3.I have had more than ordinary secret assistance from the grace of God, if I did not turn as wicked again as ever.假使我要不变得像以前那样放荡,那却需要上帝暗中特别的帮助。

4.Christian, begin to use intercession as a means of grace for yourself and for others. Pray for your neighbors.弟兄姐妹们,开始用心代祷支取上帝的恩典,为你也为别人。

5.The general revelation is in the common grace. Only the special revelation offers the saving grace who should be in.只有特殊启示才把人带到救赎的恩惠里面。

6.Find your beauty , my heart, from the world's movement , pke the boat has grace of the wind and water.我的心呀,在世界的不息运动中找到你的美吧,就像船儿在风和水的流变中得到其优雅。

7.He loped with an easy grace, his hands in his pockets and a grin on his face.他步履轻松地慢慢走来,手插在口袋里,脸上笑容绽放。

8.And Joseph found grace in his sight, and he served him: and he made him overseer over his house, and all that he had he put into his hand.约瑟就在主人眼前蒙恩,伺候他主人,并且主人派他管理家务,把一切所有的都交在他手里。

9.The heart of the wise shall instruct his mouth: and shall add grace to his pps.智慧人的心,使自己的嘴灵巧,使自己的唇舌,更具说服力。

10."I am very glad to meet you, " he said to Mrs. Vance when Carrie introduced him, showing much of the old grace which had captivated Carrie.“我很高兴见到你,”当嘉莉介绍他时,他对万斯太太说,大大显示了曾经使嘉莉着迷的往日的风度。