




1.毕业证书 山东省普通高级中学 Shandong general high school 毕业证书 graduation certificate 姓名 name ...

2.本科毕业证书 · TEM 专业英语考试证书 · Graduation certificate 本科毕业证书 · Bachelor certificate 学士学位证书 ...

3.毕业证明 ... 3. Degree Certificate( 学位证明) 4. Graduation Certificate毕业证明) 5. College Transcript( 学校成绩单) ...

4.高中毕业证 ... College Diploma( 大专) Graduation Certificate高中毕业证) Graduation Certificate( 初中毕业 …


6.大学毕业证 ... 7. Certificate of House Property 房产证 1. Graduation Certificate 大学毕业证 ...

7.结业证书 Other services 其他服务 Graduation certificate 结业证书 Ways of contact 联系方式 ...


1.He took in his hand the graduation certificate and classmates laughing and jubilant home.他手里拿着毕业证书和同学说说笑笑,兴致勃勃的回家了。

2.A homework, or to get the necessary conditions for the graduation certificate.是一个作业,或是为拿到毕业证书的必要条件。

3.We learned a lot from three-day language training and the principal awarded the children the graduation certificate.天语言培训收益良多,校长给我们颁发了荣誉证书。

4.Five of her graduation works were awarded the Excellent Graduation Certificate by the Central Academy of Fine Art.五幅毕业作品获中央美术学院毕业优秀证书。

5.He could have been promoted to general manager, but he lacked quapfications and the graduation certificate of university.他原本可以晋升为总经理,但他缺乏条件和大学毕业证书。

6.A notarized copy of your Senior Middle School Graduation Certificate and Transcripts with the chop of your school's Registrar's Office.高中毕业证书的公证件,以及高中登记办公室加盖公章的成绩单公证件

7.Base items: graduation certificate, degree certificates , title certificates , certificates of completion, etc.基础指标:毕业证书、学位证书、职称证书、结业证书等。

8.At a graduation ceremony in June, soldiers with Pakistan's Frontier Corps admired another soldier's graduation certificate.6月的毕业典礼上,士兵和巴基斯坦边防部队称赞其他士兵的毕业证书。

9.He refused to take the classes on Sun Yat-sen Thought, and handed back his Taiwan University graduation certificate.拒修国父思想课程,也放弃了台大毕业证书。

10.the student trains test result quapfied after accountant , issues the graduation certificate.学员经会计培训考试成绩合格者,颁发结业证书。