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1.格雷迪 Granger 格兰杰 Grady 格雷迪 Grace 格雷丝 ...

2.关喆 data-original-title="Gracie- 格蕾丝" data-original-title="Grady- 格莱蒂" data-original-title="Graham- 格兰汉姆" ...

5.格莱迪贝克特(Beckett)、史密斯 (Smith)和格雷地 (Grady)先后向「欧洲人权法庭提出诉讼,指英国海军以他们是同性恋者为理由调 …



1.There was old man Grady wrapped up in gunny sacks snug as a bug in a rug and talking in his sleep.老葛雷狄全身裹着厚麻袋,非常舒适地躺在那里,说着梦话。

2.Answer: Grady Booch once defined a pattern as a solution to a recurring problem within a given context.答:GradyBooch曾经将模式定义为对给定上下文中重复出现的问题的解决方案。

3.The secret - if there was any - of cloud telephony is creating what Grady Booch calls the illusion of simppcity.云语音的秘诀是,如果有的话,创造出被格雷迪·布奇(GradyBooch)称为简单之幻象的东西。

4.The intersection with Southwest Grady Way was a few hundred yards away.而与Grady西南路相交的十字路口就在几百码开外。

5.Grady argue that the selection process should be revamped to focus on admitting skilled workers who have job offers with Canadian employers.格雷迪认为,遴选过程应改组,重点放在谁承认有加拿大雇主聘书的熟练工人。

6.The first act of Colonel Altamont was to bellow to Grady for a pint of pale ale.阿尔塔芒上校的第一个行动是吆喝格雷迪,要他送一品脱白啤酒来。

7.Fremont County Judge Timothy O'Grady said prosecutors failed to prove the club wasn't a theater.弗里蒙特郡法官蒂姆斯欧.戈拉迪说,起诉人无法证明该俱乐部不是一家剧院。

8.Editorial board members Mary Kissel, Mary O'Grady and Bret Stephens discuss how Steve Jobs contributed to American prosperity.编委会成员马利·凯塞尔、马利·O·格雷迪和布雷特·史蒂芬讨论史蒂芬·乔布斯如何促成了美国的繁荣。

9.Chrysler's head of dealer operations Peter M. Grady has also noticed a worrying trend over the years.克莱斯勒的经销商业务负责人彼得先生格雷迪还注意到一种令人担忧的趋势在过去几年。

10.Delbert Grady: [to Jack, whose locked in the pantry ] Your wife appears to be stronger than we imagined, Mr.埃尔伯特·格兰德:[对着杰克,后者被锁在了食品室内]托伦斯先生,你妻子比我们想象的还要强大。