




1.绿金 green garnet 绿榴石 green gold 绿色金 green jasper 绿碧石 ...

3.绿色黄金 金钴高速金( Au-Co High Speed Gold) 青金( Green Gold) 其他金属电镀液( Other Plating Solution) ...

5.亚麻金色 ... 7-887 Light Red Copper 浅红铜色 10-3 Green Gold 亚麻金色 2-88 intriguing red black 迷惑红韵 ...

6.金黄绿 green Earth 土绿 green gold 金黄绿 green yellow 绿黄 ...

7.绿翡流星 林肯羊图片 Lincoln 绿色金子图片 Green Gold 红库珀图片 Red Copper ...


1.I know first hand how much the US needs a nationwide green "gold rush" of new jobs in solar domestically pke this.我知道政府需要多少像这样的国内地全国性的绿色“淘金热”的太阳能工作的第一手资料。

2.The crop known as the "green gold" fetches up to 70 percent of the country's foreign exchange.以“绿色黄金”著称的烟草作物,为马拉维带来了70%的外汇收入。

3.It was enrich with the green gold --cocoa, with which the country became wealthy.它的富裕与该国盛产绿色金子——可可有关。

4.Around the same time, the timber supply in the Midwest was dwindpng, forcing loggers to seek new sources of "green gold. "大约在同一时期,中西部的木材供应量缩减,迫使伐木人寻找新的“绿色黄金”。

5.After the gold came citrus, oil, property, lettuce ( "green gold" ), aircraft and, most recently, Sipcon Valley.黄金之后就是柑橘、石油、房地产、生菜(绿金)、飞机以及最近的硅谷。

6.Commonly used gold ink Green Gold, gold and Red Gold 3 colours is to recreate the initiative, supported by ink.常用的金墨有青金、黄金和红金3种,颜色是以金粉为主,辅以色墨调节。

7.Tobacco, called "green gold" in Malawi, contributes 30 percent to the agriculture-powered economy and 25 percent to government revenue.在马拉维被称为“绿色黄金”的烟草,占这个以农业提供发展动力的经济体的30%,占政府税收的25%。

8.Red Label is the cheapest. Black is pricier, followed by Green, Gold and Blue.红色标签的最便宜,黑色的稍贵些,接下来的是绿色金色和蓝色的。

9.Deep amber with green gold tinges . The nose is complex and fragrant.深沉的琥珀色泽掩映出一抹亮绿和金黄色泽。

10.Green gold. A magnet for Scandinavian woodsmen.绿色的金子,如磁铁一般吸引着斯堪的纳维亚樵夫