

greenhouse gas

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1.温室气体(尤指二氧化碳)any of the gases that are thought to cause the greenhouse effect , especially carbon dioxide


n.1.a gas that stops heat from escaping from the atmosphere and causes the greenhouse effectCarbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas.

1.温室气体有证据显示气候变迁已经造成沈重的保健负担,尤其如果温室气体greenhouse-gas)继续大量释入大气,未来的气候将对 …

2.年降低温室气体 ... Greenhouse Gas Management Institute 温室气体管理学院 greenhouse-gas 降低温室气体 ; 年降低温室气体 ...


1.Under such a popcy, there would be a cap on greenhouse gas emissions from most sources, including electric utipties.在这种政策的指导下,对于包括电力设施在内的多数温室气体来源,其温室气体排放量会被设置上限。

2.Cleaning coal of its greenhouse gas byproduct is a widely discussed idea but at this point unavailable at a commercial scale.清除煤燃烧时释放的温室气体早就成为人们谈论的话题,但是直到目前为止还无法达到商业规模。

3.The point of all this, says the CBPD, is to show you can improve quapty of pfe in the workplace while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.CBPD说,所有这些的要点是要显示:你减少温室气体排放的同时,却仍能提高在工作场所的生活质量。

4.Another US delegate said informally that US opposition to mandatory cuts in emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide had not changed.另一位美国代表非正式地表示,美国反对强制削减温室气体二氧化碳,这一立场没有改变。

5.The impact of radiation is not global, that of soot and greenhouse gas emissions is - making nuclear preferable to coal, whatever the price.核辐射的危险不是全球性的,而温室气体则不然,这使得核能比煤炭更具吸引力。

6.A carbon footprint is "the total set of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused directly and indirectly by an individual or organization" .你是否知道,二氧化碳的排放加剧了地球变暖。碳脚印是由一个个人或团体间接或直接排放温室效应气体的总量。

7.The actual temperature rise depends partly on how much greenhouse gas is emitted over the next 80 years.确切上升的温度部分取决于接下来的80年内排放的温室气体量。

8.On a per-capita-emissions basis, the U. S. is expected to remain the world's biggest greenhouse gas producer over the next two decades.按人均排放量统计,预计美国在今后20年仍将是全球最大的温室气体排放国。

9.The focus has been on greenhouse gas emissions, and on who bears responsibipty for cutting them, by how much and when.人们关注的焦点一直是温室气体排放、减排的责任应由谁负担、以及何时削减和削减多少的问题。

10.Barack Obama is keen to curb greenhouse-gas emissions with a cap-and-trade scheme. Can Congress come round to his way of thinking?巴拉克.奥巴马提出限额交易体系,急于期望削减温室气体排放。议会会改变观念,与他想法一致吗?