




1.绿城21日讯】(法新社巴黎21日电) 早上七点十五分,绿色城镇(Greentown) 准备迎接新的一天,绿太太冲了个按摩浴,使用的高压 …


1.Greentown said the buyback was essential to shoring up the company's finances.绿城中国表示,回购债券对提振公司的财务状况至关重要。

2.You're the only Greentown player to have faced United before, having played for Shenzhen FC in 2007. What do you remember of that game?你是绿城唯一曾经与曼联踢球的队员,07年在深圳也和曼联踢过。你还记得那场球吗?

3.Zhejiang-based Greentown China Holdings, for instance, says only a tiny fraction of its stock of land gives cause for concern.比如,位于浙江省的绿城中国控股有限公司说,持有的土地中只有很小一部分值得担忧。

4.Greentown appears to be using a government-encouraged lending spree by Chinese banks to pay off Western investors.绿城中国看起来是在利用政府鼓励中资银行放贷的热潮来偿清西方投资者的债务。

5.Greentown executives say the company remains strong.绿城中国的高管说,公司资金实力雄厚。

6.The remaining 10% of the Bund project will be controlled by a subsidiary of Greentown China Holdings Ltd. , a Zhejiang province developer.其余10%股权将由浙江省开发商绿城中国控股有限公司(GreentownChinaHoldingsLtd.)的一家子公司持有。

7.On Monday, Greentown said it is considering disposing of some of its property projects to boost cash flow.绿城周一说,为增强现金流,它正在考虑是否把一部分房地产项目出售。

8.It now suffers negative cashflow, Greentown earnings figures show.绿城的盈利数据显示,目前公司现金流为负值。

9.Greentown reserve is estabpshed WuJinGui proposal green town boss, the team coach is the senior manager.绿城预备队是绿城主帅吴金贵提议设立的,该队主教练是绿城的资深教练沈葵。

10.Analysts expect Greentown's woes to spread to other developers. Its shares plunged 17 percent on Thursday alone, hitting a 28 month low.分析师预计,绿城的困境将蔓延至其他开发商.绿城H股仅上周四一天即暴跌17%,触及28个月低位。