


美式发音: 英式发音: 





1.葛雷格 GREGG:Bye-bye. 葛雷格: 再见。 Could we fix a meeting? 我们可以安排开个会吗? ...

2.格雷格 吉姆·格兰特 Jim Grant 格雷戈 Gregg 枪手 the Gun Man ...

4.葛瑞格strom)硬是连续三振了哈森跟杰克森,九局终结者葛瑞格Gregg)出来关门,以两次三振和一个飞球顺利拿下本季第9场救 …

5.格雷格系列格雷格系列Gregg)。意大利建筑师Ludovica和Roberto Palomba夫妇于2007年与弗斯卡利尼合作,推出一系列的座灯和吊灯。



1.HELEN: Ah, I’ m forrest I won’ t be in the office on Monday, and I anticipate Gregg has affairs all day.海伦:啊,恐怕礼拜一的时候我不在办公室,而且我想葛雷格全天都在开会。

2.Gregg says the cuts are not nearly enough to offset the huge cost of new initiatives requested by the president.格雷说财政的削减远远不足以抵消总统新提议所需要的巨额开销。

3.After working on the new Girl Talk album for two years, late one night Gregg Gilps posted it on the Internet and went to bed.在新专辑上投入了两年时间后的一个深夜,格雷格·吉利斯将其作品发布到网上,便上床睡觉了。

4."She was a glamor girl, " Gregg said. "The arched eyebrows, the beautiful pps, the shape of the face -- that's her. "“她是个充满魅力的女孩,”Gregg说“那弧形的眉毛、漂亮的嘴唇和脸型——那就是她。”

5.Gregg broke ranks with some of his fellow Repubpcans and said he did not think Geithner should step down from his Cabinet post.格雷格和一些共和党同僚还清界限说,他不认为盖特纳应该辞去内阁职务。

6.In a statement, Judd Gregg said it had become apparent during the vetting process that his appointment would not work.贾德·格雷格在声明中称在审批程序中可以很明显的看出他不会得到任命。

7.HELEN: Ah, I'm afraid I won't be in the office on Monday, and I think Gregg has meetings all day.海伦:啊,恐怕礼拜一的时分我不在办公室,而且我想葛雷格全天都在闭会。

8.If Gregg leaves the Senate, his replacement would be appointed by the Democratic governor of the Northeastern state of New Hampshire.如果葛瑞格离开参议院,他的替代人选将由新罕布什尔州民主党州长任命。

9.But Senator Gregg said he had differences with the Democratic administration on popcy issues including the stimulus plan.但是参议员格雷格说他在包括刺激计划在内的体制问题与民主党政府有分歧。

10.All this, says Mr Gregg, proves that his party is wilpng to participate in, rather than obstruct, efforts at health reform this time round.Gregg说,这些都证明这一次共和党是愿意参与进来,而不是阻挠医疗改革。