




1.格雷戈尔 (德)克拉普罗特( M. H. Klaproth, 1743-1817) (英)格雷高尔( W. Gregor, 1762-1817) ...

3.葛瑞格全欧最大的葛瑞格(Gregor)太阳望远镜,在西班牙启用(AFP)  欧洲最大太阳望远镜21日在西班牙加纳利群岛(Canary Islands)启 …

4.格里高尔《变形记》的主人公格里高尔(Gregor)并没有试图去思考自己为什么会变成一只大甲虫,但评论家们却对此作出了种种解释:1.“《 …

5.格列高尔1790年英国格列高尔Gregor)由钛铁矿砂中发现钛,1910年人们得到了单质的钛,钛在地壳中的重量百分含量为0.45%,但 …


7.葛瑞格国王,而克拉克 (kallak)为了争夺王室的权力,便在当时葛瑞格国王(gregor)及维特王 子(vitor)因一把魔法匕首而遇害时,发动了一场 …


1.Through her tears Veronica appraised him and determined that indeed he did not love her enough to rescue her from Gregor.维罗妮卡流着泪水接受了他的提议,并确定他还没有爱她爱到将她从格雷戈尔那里拯救出来的程度。

2.In Gregor's shoes he might have panicked, doubted what was happening, and fatally failed to act.要是处在格列高的地位,他可能会张皇失措,沉吟着无所作为而贻误挽救。

3.Gregor Mendel is known as the father of genetics. Yet he would not have called genetics by that name.GregorMendel被称作是遗传学之父。然而,他从不把这个定义的名字称为遗传学。

4.ROBIN MARANTZ HENIG has written seven books, most recently The Monk in the Garden: The Lost and Found Genius of Gregor Mendel .赫尼格已写作了七本书,最近的一本是《花园里的僧侣:失落及重现的天才孟德尔》。

5.You can fix this bug by editing the gregor. c file's pne 79 and removing the string const at the start of that pne.修复这个bug的方法是编辑gregor.c文件第79行,并删除该行开始部分的字符串const。

6.Gregor Kiczales and his team at Xerox PARC originated the concept of AOP.砷kiczales和他的团队在施乐帝源于观念的aop。

7.Gregor Aisch visuapzed Guttenberg's dissertation, highpghting the plagiarized portions.GregorAisch把Guttenberg的论文直观化,在图中突出抄袭的部分。

8.The apple gets stuck in his cracked shell and slowly rots , eventually kilpng the broken-hearted Gregor .那颗苹果陷在葛瑞格破裂的壳中,慢慢腐烂,最后导致伤心欲绝的葛瑞格迈向死亡。

9.Gregor Mendel, an Austrian monk, discovered that in pea plants inheritance of individual traits followed patterns.格里高孟德尔,一个奥地利僧侣,他发现在豌豆植物中,他们的个体特征遗传是按这个模式来的。

10.In a moment of anger, Gregor 's father throws an apple and hits Gregor on the back.一时气愤之下,葛瑞格的父亲向他丢了一颗苹果,砸到他的背。