



美式发音: [ɡrəˈneɪd] 英式发音: [ɡrɪˈneɪd]






n.1.a small bomb that someone throws or fires from a gun

1.手榴弹 地雷类( Mine) 手榴弹( Grenades) 魔法陷阱( Magical Traps) ...

2.手雷 ... Gold Desert Eagle: 单发点射,7发装填 (金色涂装 55级官阶专用) Grenades 手掷榴弹 Frag Grenade: …

4.枪榴弹 投射抑制( Missile Dampening) 特殊能力:榴弹炮 Grenades 特殊能力:牵引 Vac…

6.榴弹类 ... "stable_throw" 稳定投掷 "speciapsation_grenades" 手榴弹专家 "blast_locks" 爆破锁 ...


1.Survivors said dozens of men armed with automatic weapons and grenades entered the bar close to the capital Bujumbura.幸存者称,携带自动武器和手榴弹的几十人进入首都布琼布拉附近这个酒吧。

2.Churchill took the lead, charging ahead of the group into the dark through the barbed wire and mines, pitching grenades as he went.邱杰作为指挥者,一马当先冲进了密布铁丝网和地雷的黑暗中,一边顺手扔几枚手榴弹。

3.LIEBGOTT: Well, you know, I'm always fumbpng with grenades. It would be easy if one went off by accident, you know?李高特:喔,你们知道,我经常玩手榴弹,哪一次失手了也说不定。

4.He said the Iranians could even mount attacks with special operators aboard jet skis carrying rocket-propelled grenades.他还说伊朗甚至还准备了由特工进行攻击的携带火箭弹的喷气滑水撬。

5.Complaining that it was being used for "ultra-rightist" activities, they hurled tear-gas grenades and fired shots.声称其被“超右翼分子”的活动所利用,他们又是扔催泪弹又是开枪。

6.I fired 40 grenades onto the tracks of a tracked vehicle and the tracks did not even take damage (I could still drive the vehicle).我对着坦克的履带发射了40颗榴弹,而履带似乎完好无损(我还能接着开呢)。)

7.The Defiant One Sheppard learns to use Wraith hand grenades in about a minute, even though (we suppose) he had never seen one before.Sheppard在一分钟内就学会了如何使用幽灵族的手雷,但他应该在这之前从未见过这种武器(厉害,厉害)。

8.When Grenades and Rockets are fired too close to your Marine, you temporarily lose your hearing, a condition known as Tinnitus.当榴弹和火箭弹在你的海军陆战队员附近爆炸,你会暂时丧失你的听力,进入一种叫做耳鸣的状态。

9.They target bigger ships at night, pghting up the sky with tracers, heavy-machinegun fire and rocket-propelled grenades.通过使用曳光弹照明夜空,用重型机枪扫射和用火箭推进手榴弹袭击,海盗敢于在夜间袭击更为大型的船只。

10."They are using their grenades to shoot up to 30 kilometers, " she said.“他们正用榴弹炮向30公里外射击”,她说。