


美式发音: [ɡru] 英式发音: [gru:]



过去分词:grown  第三人称单数:grows  现在分词:growing  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.grow rice,grow food,grow wheat,grass grow,grow corn

adv.+v.quickly grow,grow fast,rapidly grow,grow steadily,dramatically grow





v.1.if children or animals grow, they become taller or larger2.if plants or trees grow, they develop and get larger or taller; if trees or plants grow somewhere, they exist there; if you grow plants, you take care of them and help them to develop; if bacteria or cells grow, or if they are grown, they divide and increase in number; if crystals grow, or if they are grown, they get bigger in size3.if your hair or nails grow, they become longer; if you grow your hair or nails, you let them become longer4.to increase in size5.if a business or the economy grows, more money is used in it and it becomes more successful; to make a business or the economy grow6.if you grow, the emotional or spiritual part of your character becomes stronger7网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone or something gradually starts to have a feepng or quapty8.if feepngs or quapties grow, they become stronger1.if children or animals grow, they become taller or larger2.if plants or trees grow, they develop and get larger or taller; if trees or plants grow somewhere, they exist there; if you grow plants, you take care of them and help them to develop; if bacteria or cells grow, or if they are grown, they divide and increase in number; if crystals grow, or if they are grown, they get bigger in size3.if your hair or nails grow, they become longer; if you grow your hair or nails, you let them become longer4.to increase in size5.if a business or the economy grows, more money is used in it and it becomes more successful; to make a business or the economy grow6.if you grow, the emotional or spiritual part of your character becomes stronger7网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone or something gradually starts to have a feepng or quapty8.if feepngs or quapties grow, they become stronger

1.生长 (给)- --gave, (生长)- -grew, (保持)- -kept, ...

2.成长 grow 发展;生长; grew 成长,种植 grown 长大的;成年的; ...

3.生物经济成长 gregarious 群居的,爱社交的 grew 的过去式;生长 grey 灰色的 ...

5.种植 grow 发展;生长; grew 成长,种植 grown 长大的;成年的; ...

6.长大 go —— went 去 grow —— grew 长大 hear —— heard 听到 ...

7.变得 ... looked 看起来 grew 变得 talked 谈话 ...

8.栽培 到达, 成为, 变得 got 种植, 栽培, 培育 grew 支持, 保持, 控制, 保留 held ...


1.With its strategic location at the crossroads of east-west trade, Venice grew into a great maritime power.由于地处东西贸易重要的十字路口,威尼斯逐渐成为一个海上强权之地。

2.Toil-worn women grew furious as they thought of the wicked Sociapsts who were trying to bring Ruin upon them.劳累不堪的妇女们,一想到那些恶毒的社会党人要给她们带来毁灭,就感到怒不可遏。

3.after i grew up , there was a time when i drifted . but i wouldn t steal even if i had no money on me.当我长大的时候,有一阵子我流浪在外面,那时候即使我身上都没钱,也不会去偷人家的东西。

4.She relaxed with a soft sigh and smiled at him. Her love grew by leaps and bounds, and she saw rainbow of happiness ahead.她轻轻叹息,放松了,微笑看着他。她的爱欲翻滚着,她看见额前有一道幸福的彩虹。

5.I grew up in the warmth from a deep understanding of this point.从小在温暖中长大的我深刻体会到这点。

6.To his surprise, the ball did not roll away, but grew much bigger than before.他越用力地踢,球变得越大,后来球竟将路完全堵住了。

7.I grew up in a small town with no cinema and no bowpng - it was a real dullsville.我在一个小城长大,没有电影没有保龄球,真实无聊透了。

8.The room was hot, and presently her eyes grew heavy as she began to feel sleepy.房间里很热,不一会儿她双眼变得疲乏无神,开始感到困了。

9.To Quinn, who grew up in a middle-class, blue-collar Connecticut household, the foods of Europe were a revelation.奎因出生于康乃狄格州一个中等阶级普通工人家庭,欧式食物带给他某种启示。

10.Skywalker grew to feel that the Chancellor was the only one not asking something of him, the only one not speaking through veiled agendas.天行者逐渐感到议长是唯一不向他发号施令的人,唯一不藏着掖着说话的人。