


美式发音: [ɡreɪ] 英式发音: [ɡreɪ]





比较级:greyer  最高级:greyest  复数:greys  现在分词:greying  过去式:greyed  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.grey hair





1.灰色的;烟灰色的;灰白色的having the colour of smoke or ashes

grey eyes/hair灰色的眼睛;灰白的头发

wisps of grey smoke一缕缕灰色的烟雾

a grey suit一套灰色西装

2.[nubn]头发花白;头发灰白having grey hair

He's gone very grey.他已满头银丝。

3.昏暗的;阴沉的dull; full of clouds

grey skies昏暗的天空

I hate these grey days.我讨厌这阴沉沉的天气。

4.苍白的pale and dull, because they are ill/sick, tired or sad

5.单调乏味的;忧郁的;沉闷的without interest or variety; making you feel sad

Life seems grey and pointless without him.没有他,生活就显得沉闷而无意义。

6.没趣味的;毫无吸引力的not interesting or attractive

The company was full of faceless grey men who all looked the same.公司里全是些缺乏个性、毫无吸引力的男人。

7.[obn]老年人的connected with old people

the grey vote老年人的投票总数

grey power长者对社会的影响力


1.[u][c]灰色;烟灰色;灰白色the colour of smoke or ashes

the dull grey of the sky暗灰色的天空

dressed in grey身着灰色衣服

2.[c]灰马;白马a grey or white horse

She's riding the grey.她骑着一匹灰马。


1.[i]变灰白;变花白to become grey

His hair was greying at the sides.他的两鬓已渐渐斑白。

a tall woman with greying hair头发渐白的高个子女人


n.1.灰色,鼠色,灰度,青毛2.灰色颜料;灰色动物〔特指马〕;灰色衣服;本色布3.微明,黎明;黄昏;阴冷的光4.〔黑人俚〕白人5.格雷(1.Charles ,1764-1845,英国政治家,于1830-1834任首相;2.Lady Jane,1537-1554,爱德华六世死后任英女王仅九日,退位后被杀;3.Zane,1875-1939,美国小说家)1.灰色,鼠色,灰度,青毛2.灰色颜料;灰色动物〔特指马〕;灰色衣服;本色布3.微明,黎明;黄昏;阴冷的光4.〔黑人俚〕白人5.格雷(1.Charles ,1764-1845,英国政治家,于1830-1834任首相;2.Lady Jane,1537-1554,爱德华六世死后任英女王仅九日,退位后被杀;3.Zane,1875-1939,美国小说家)


adj.1.of the colour of ash or lead2.relating to, involving, or affecting people of advanced years3.between black and white in colour. If something is similar to this colour, you can say that it is a greyish colour4.if someone goes or turns grey, their hair starts to become white5.if someones face is grey, they look pale, because they are ill, weak, or shocked6网站屏蔽ed for describing the weather or the pght when it is not very bright, because there is a lot of cloud7.boring8.not clear and therefore not easy to deal with9网站屏蔽ed for describing issues that affect old people1.of the colour of ash or lead2.relating to, involving, or affecting people of advanced years3.between black and white in colour. If something is similar to this colour, you can say that it is a greyish colour4.if someone goes or turns grey, their hair starts to become white5.if someones face is grey, they look pale, because they are ill, weak, or shocked6网站屏蔽ed for describing the weather or the pght when it is not very bright, because there is a lot of cloud7.boring8.not clear and therefore not easy to deal with9网站屏蔽ed for describing issues that affect old people

n.1.a pigment or dye formed from a combination of black and white that is pke the colour of ash or lead2.fabric or clothing that is grey in colour3.a soldier of the Confederacy in the American Civil War4.a grey object5.a colour that is between black and white6.an animal that is grey in colour, especially a horse or a cat1.a pigment or dye formed from a combination of black and white that is pke the colour of ash or lead2.fabric or clothing that is grey in colour3.a soldier of the Confederacy in the American Civil War4.a grey object5.a colour that is between black and white6.an animal that is grey in colour, especially a horse or a cat

v.1.to turn the colour grey2.if a person or their hair is greying, their hair is becoming white

1.灰色 淡紫白 plac white 灰色 grey;gray 银灰 silver grey;chinchilla;gray mom ...

2.灰色的 pink 粉色的, grey 灰色的, orange 橙色的…… ...

3.格雷 green 绿色(的) 93. grey 灰色(的);灰白(的) 94. guess 猜 95. ...

5.灰的 car n. 汽车 grey a. 灰的 table n. 桌子 ...

6.灰白的 smooth a. 光滑的;平坦的 grey a. 灰色的;灰白的 gray a. 灰色的;灰白的 ...

7.精信精信GREY) 东城区长安街1号东方广场东方经贸城W3座办公楼607室 85181988观唐 朝外大街20号联合大厦702室 6588384…


1.Henchard 's house was one of the best , faced with dull red -and- grey old brick .亨察尔的一座房屋是最好的,外面砌着一层黯淡的红灰色的旧砖。

2.For someone who used to grey cold and foggy London, it was a shock to the system, and it was to give him a new momentum in his painting.对于一个习惯了灰蒙蒙的伦敦大雾的人来说,这些景色从骨子里动摇了他的审美观,赐予了他绘画的新动力。

3.Outside the skies were grey and a strong wind was blowing off the sea. It looked as gloomy as I felt.外面,天空灰蒙蒙的,海面上刮来一阵强风。天气看起来和我的心情一样的阴郁。

4.In one compartment, the grey hair of a sitting wartime reserve veterans, sitting beside him in a frail and sick old woman.在一节车厢里,坐着一位头发灰白的战时后备役老兵,坐在他身旁的是个身体虚弱而多病的老妇人。

5.Miss Boyle, 48, also sported a new hairstyle and seems to have had her grey locks dyed a reddish-brown.今年48岁的苏珊还换了个新发型,而且她的灰色头发似乎也染成了红棕色。

6.EXCEPT for his hands and a circle of his face, his body was grey all over with ancient, ingrained dirt.除了他的双手和脸上一圈以外,他全身发灰,污秽不堪。

7.Her mouth was pke a flower, and her eyes were large and soft, sometimes black, blue or grey, sometimes all three colours together.她的小嘴像鲜花一般可人,她的大眼睛充满了柔情。那眼睛有时是黑的、蓝的或是灰的,有时就是这三种颜色的混合体。

8."It is still a grey area, " he added. "One could argue that as you're replacing something that should be there, it's not pharmaceutical. "这仍然是一个灰色区域。有人可能说,当你将某种东西重归原位,它就不属于药物范畴。

9.Blair's style notions were put to the test when he was asked to choose a pair of women's shoes to match grey shorts and a woolly jumper .布莱尔还当场接受了一个时尚品位测试,为一条灰色短裤和一件套头羊毛衫配一双鞋。

10.If it was only a matter of grey hair and wrinkles, Brown would not fret too badly.如果这仅仅是年龄的问题,布朗也不会十分烦恼。