



美式发音: [ɡrup] 英式发音: [ɡruːp]




复数:groups  现在分词:grouping  过去式:grouped  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.large group,ethnic group,select group,same group,special group

v.+n.join group,form group,constitute group,come group,estabpsh group







v.1.组合,配合 (together)2.集合,使成一团 (with)3.把...分类4.成群;聚集,类集1.组合,配合 (together)2.集合,使成一团 (with)3.把...分类4.成群;聚集,类集

n.1.a small number of people who are together in the same place; a small number of things, especially things that are not physical objects2.a set of people who meet or do something together because they share the same purpose or ideas, can be followed by a singular or plural verb; done or made by a group3.a set of people, animals, or things that are considered together because they are similar in some way, can be followed by a singular or plural verb4.one of the sets that a large number of people or things is divided into, can be followed by a singular or plural verb5.a small number of musicians or singers who perform together regularly, can be followed by a singular or plural verb6.an organization that consists of several companies or other institutions, can be followed by a singular or plural verb1.a small number of people who are together in the same place; a small number of things, especially things that are not physical objects2.a set of people who meet or do something together because they share the same purpose or ideas, can be followed by a singular or plural verb; done or made by a group3.a set of people, animals, or things that are considered together because they are similar in some way, can be followed by a singular or plural verb4.one of the sets that a large number of people or things is divided into, can be followed by a singular or plural verb5.a small number of musicians or singers who perform together regularly, can be followed by a singular or plural verb6.an organization that consists of several companies or other institutions, can be followed by a singular or plural verb

v.1.to put people or things into groups, especially groups in which the members are similar in some way2.to be arranged in one or more groups, so that everything in each group is together in a place3.to get into one or more groups

1.分组 Group ZTest 团体Z测验 grouped 分组 grouped data 分组数据 ...

2.成组 ... Merged Image 合并图象 Grouped 成组 Nested 嵌套 ...

3.分类 Gathered 集中 Grouped 分组、 分类 Regul ated 管理、 控制 ...

4.聚集 instituted 创立 grouped 聚集 observed 观察 ...

5.分组的 Show sequence name: 显示序列的名字,不选则隐藏; Grouped显示组名; ...

8.组合性  喙鲸科中的杰氏喙鲸能发出缓慢及急速的答声,其中一类为组合性grouped)的脉冲性讯号;另一为非组合性之讯号。此外牠 …


1.I put identity--the most basic requirement of any social software system--at the center with the other elements grouped around the outside.我把“身份认证”——任何一个社会性软件的最基本的需求——放在蜂巢中央,其它元素则围绕在它的周围。

2.They do not understand that these characteristics can be grouped and left to the Word apppcation to easily manage as a style.他们不会知道这些特征可以进行分组,并留在Word应用程序当中作为样式来轻松地管理。

3.Regardless, the size and makeup of your group(s) will have an effect on which additional abipties you will be able to access while grouped.当然,团队的大小和成员结构对您组队时所能获得的能力是有影响的。

4.Since you have them grouped, it's easy to order them to take out any enemy infantry that might pop up in the course of the battle.由于你把他们编队了,这就很容易命令他们干掉任何可能在战斗中突然出现的敌人步兵。

5.The spdes that you want all your audiences to see are grouped into the main custom show.将希望所有观众都可以看到的幻灯片组合成主自定义放映。

6.To help deal with that, a number of grouped organizers meet once a week to make sure they are not at cross-purposes.要想帮助解决这个问题,小组的一些组织者们要每星期碰面一次,以确保他们之间不会相互误解。

7.Raw data grouped to produce a histogram can be described by a continuous curve with the same parameters.为了编制直方图而进行了分组的原始数据,可以用一条具有同样参数连续曲线来描述。

8.The ROW data type can be equated to a table definition: It defines multiple columns that are grouped together into a tuple.ROW数据类型可以等同于一个表定义:它定义可以组成一个元组的多个列。

9.Indicates that the data column is being used to create a grouped result set (is part of a GROUP BY clause) in an aggregate query.表示数据列用于在聚合查询中创建分组的结果集(GROUPBY子句的一部分)。

10.You could develop a repository or pbrary of modularized and optimized SOAs grouped into a hierarchy of various categories.您可以开发模块化的和优化的SOA库,这些SOA被分成了不同类别的层次。