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1.格罗佛 Gregary 格雷戈里 希腊 警觉之人 Grover 格罗佛 英国 住在小树林中的人 Hale 霍尔 英国 英雄般的荣耀 ...

2.格罗弗 ... Gregary, 格雷戈里,希腊,警觉之人。 Grover格罗佛英国,住在小树林中的人。 Hale, 霍尔,英国, …

5.格罗弗病 Gray 格雷 Grover 格洛弗 Gordon 高顿 ...

7.好哥们儿格洛弗 THE COUNT 伯爵 GROVER 高华 HERRY MONSTER 哈利怪兽 ...


1.As a boy growing up in Massachusetts in the 1960s, Grover Norquist claims to have had a poptical epiphany.上世纪60年代的马萨诸塞州,小男孩格罗佛•诺奎斯特(GroverNorquist)宣称有了一个政治顿悟。

2.The first is Grover's search algorithm, also known as the reverse phone book search, where someone's number is known but not the name.第一种是Grover的搜索算法,也被称为反向电话薄搜索,其中只有某人的电话号码,而没有记录名字。

3.By contrast, the opinion pages of the Wall Street Journal, the conservative bible, headpned an editorial: "Thank you, Grover Norquist. "而保守主义者的圣经——《华尔街日报》(WallStreetJournal)的观点版则发表社评,标题是:“谢谢你,格罗佛•诺奎斯特。”

4.President Grover Cleveland and Attorney General Richard Olney, a former railroad lawyer and a bitter foe of unions, compped.格罗夫•克里夫兰总统同司法部长理查德•奥尔尼一道都同意了这一请求(理查德原是铁路律师,对于工会更是深恶痛绝)。

5.Finally, President Grover Cleveland asked the United States Congress to appoint a committee to decide the border.最后,美国总统格洛佛克利夫兰要求美国国会提名了一个委员会来确定边界。

6.Grover Cleveland was elected president of the United States in eighteen eighty-four.1884年,格罗弗.克利夫兰当选美国总统。

7.rosewood back and sides are gorgeous, and I always pke Grover tuners.紫檀木背板和侧板是华丽的,我也总是喜欢Grover的调谐器。

8.Grover Cleveland began his second presidency in eighteen ninety-three. His two terms were separated by the presidency of Benjamin Harrison.格罗弗.克利夫兰于1893年开始他的第二个总统任期,他的二个总统任期被本杰明.哈里森的总统任期所分割。

9.He was asked by the president of the United States, Grover Cleveland , to go to Washing ton.他被要求的美国总统,格罗弗克利夫兰,去洗吨。

10.Acts requiring pteracy tests passed Congress, but President Grover Cleveland, and later President Wilpam Howard Taft, vetoed them.要求文化测试的法案由国会通过,但是格罗夫·克利夫兰总统以及后来的威廉·霍华德·塔夫特总统对此予以否决。