




1.成熟女人 grown into 成长为; 变为; 渐成; GROWN WOMAN 成熟女人; grown spar 现成杆柱; ...

2.成熟女人的魅力 ... 《I was Here》 我在这里与你们同在 《Grown Woman成熟女人的魅力 《Standing on the Sun》 性感内衣秀 ...

3.成年妇女 ... good-looking woman 漂亮的女人 grown woman 成年妇女 handsome woman 端庄秀丽的女子 ...


1.to your mother pke that? She HAS no right to give you orders, you're a grown woman now.你为什么要那样顺从你母亲?她无权向你发号施令,你已是个成年女子了。

2.She was no more than eleven or twelve, dressed in a very expensive but simple way as a grown woman.她顶多十一二岁,穿着十分昂贵但是简单的衣服,像是一个成年女人。

3.He could actually marry a grown woman, or at least, wait until Siti achieves the legal marriage age.他本可以娶一个成熟的女子,至少他也要等西蒂到了结婚的年龄再与她结婚。

4.I find it fascinating how the dreams of a young and naive pttle girl can become a grown woman's reapty.那个年幼天真女孩的梦想在一个成熟女人的生活里成为了现实,我觉得这太美妙了。

5.You think you're a grown woman, and you can kiss whoever you wanna kiss.你认为你是个成年女子可以吻任何你想吻的人。

6.But this time, she was a grown woman, the wagon was harder to pull, and he wasn't there.与以往不同的是,她长大了,拉车子似乎更加费力了,因为爷爷已经不在她身边了。

7.The truth is, even as a grown woman I tend to want to run in the alley rather than play tea party with the girls.事实上,即使成年以后,我也愿意在巷子里走走,而不会选择和女孩去参加茶话会。

8.C. How does a grown woman thank for a mother for continuing to be a mother?一个成年女子该怎样感谢母亲依然如故的角色?

9.How does a grown woman thank for a mother for continuing to be a mother?成熟的母亲该怎样感谢她的妈妈继续成为一个母亲?

10.It depicts the goddess Venus, having emerged from the sea as a full grown woman, arriving at the sea-shore .这幅画描述了女神维纳斯,一位成熟的女性从海上出现,最后到达岸边。