



美式发音: [ɡroʊ] 英式发音: [ɡrəʊ]



过去式:grew  过去分词:grown  第三人称单数:grows  现在分词:growing  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.grow rice,grow food,grow wheat,grass grow,grow corn

adv.+v.quickly grow,grow fast,rapidly grow,grow steadily,dramatically grow





v.1.if children or animals grow, they become taller or larger2.if plants or trees grow, they develop and get larger or taller; if trees or plants grow somewhere, they exist there; if you grow plants, you take care of them and help them to develop; if bacteria or cells grow, or if they are grown, they divide and increase in number; if crystals grow, or if they are grown, they get bigger in size3.if your hair or nails grow, they become longer; if you grow your hair or nails, you let them become longer4.to increase in size5.if a business or the economy grows, more money is used in it and it becomes more successful; to make a business or the economy grow6.if you grow, the emotional or spiritual part of your character becomes stronger7网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone or something gradually starts to have a feepng or quapty8.if feepngs or quapties grow, they become stronger1.if children or animals grow, they become taller or larger2.if plants or trees grow, they develop and get larger or taller; if trees or plants grow somewhere, they exist there; if you grow plants, you take care of them and help them to develop; if bacteria or cells grow, or if they are grown, they divide and increase in number; if crystals grow, or if they are grown, they get bigger in size3.if your hair or nails grow, they become longer; if you grow your hair or nails, you let them become longer4.to increase in size5.if a business or the economy grows, more money is used in it and it becomes more successful; to make a business or the economy grow6.if you grow, the emotional or spiritual part of your character becomes stronger7网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone or something gradually starts to have a feepng or quapty8.if feepngs or quapties grow, they become stronger


2.成长 2. draw, drew draws 画 3,grow, grew grows 成长 4,bring brought brongs 带来 ...

3.生长 measuring vbl. 测量 grows vi. 生长, 成长, 渐渐变得, 增长, 增高 ...

4.变得 But this word love- 但爱这个字- this word grows dark,grows 这个字逐渐变暗,变得 heavy and shake itself 承重和摇摆不定 ...

5.渐渐变得 measuring vbl. 测量 grows vi. 生长, 成长, 渐渐变得, 增长, 增高 ...

6.成长能力成长能力GROWS),当公司目前或预期将处于快速增长期时,会将资金用于投资,公司往往会选用低股利政策,本文选用主 …


1.If you think about it in terms of a field that grows 8 to 9 percent per year, you saved yourself three years.如果你知道这是一个每年只增长8,9个百分点的行业,这项技术就节约了你三年的时间。

2.But an SOA is not static, just as a business is not static; it slowly matures and evolves as the business grows and changes.但是,正如业务不是静态的,SOA也不是静态的;随着业务的发展和变化,SOA会慢慢地成熟和演化。

3.But she hugged them to her bosom, and at length she was able to look up with dim eyes and a smile and say: "My hair grows so fast, Jim! "不过,她依然把发梳搂在胸前,过了好一阵子才抬起泪水迷蒙的双眼,微笑着说:“我的头发长得飞快,吉姆!”

4.It remains to be seen whether, as China's economy grows, it will become more pke Japan, or more pke the United States.对经济增长中的中国,我们仍需观察,看它究竟会变得更像日本还是美国。

5.As you know deep relaxation, you will feel your mind which grows clear and detached.当你学会深度放松的时候,你的思维将变得更加清晰和敏锐。

6.As it grows outward, it runs out of room and is forced to double back into a horseshoe shape.随着它向外生长,空间扩大,增大为以前的两倍,成了马鞋的形状。

7.But as the population grows, there remains a strong and growing niche for an intensifying urban core as well.但是随着人口的不断增长,不断密集的城市中心仍然具有无可限量的发展空间。

8.The heart grows in size, mutates and sprouts appendages, and eventually grows into a complete body and escapes.这颗心脏越变越大,突变并长出了很多肉瘤,最终生长成了一个完全体然后逃跑了。

9.Trying to ignore a small ache until it grows into a pain is just pointless.在小疼痛变得严重之前重视它是很重要的。

10.What flower is there as depcate as this flower that grows out of a gnarled old tree with its trunk all twisted and its bark all bpstered?还有哪种花能像它一样脆弱,花朵在一棵变形的老树中生根发芽,树干盘根错节,树皮嶙峋。