




1.增长极理论【摘 要】 增长极理论Growth-Pole Theory)是20 世纪50 年代西方发展经济学家提出的就一国经济发展应遵循平衡增长战略 …


1.The fifth chapter: uses the economic growth pole theory to elaborate HongQiao district economic development strategic plan.第五章结合增长极理论阐述红桥区经济发展的战略规划。

2.In 1955, French renowned economist Francois Perroux raised a new theory of economic growth and development, namely, Growth Pole Theory.1955年,法国著名经济学家弗朗索瓦。佩鲁提出一种新的经济增长与发展理论-增长极理论。

3网址被屏蔽pare with the near areas on principles and ways of territorial ecomonic growth pole theory.利用区域经济增长极理论的原则和方法,与周边地区进行比较。

4.According to the growth pole theory, the development of a regional open economy can not be synchronized at the same time.根据增长极理论,一个区域开放型经济的发展不可能是同时同步的,应该以先发展带动后发展。

5.Logistics Network; Logistics Park; Growth Pole Theory; Uncertainty Theory; Mathematical Programming Method;物流网络;物流园区;增长极理论;不确定理论;数学规划法;

6.Studies on Growth Pole Theory and the Innovation Stratagems of Industrial Clusters in Guangdong Province增长极理论与广东专业镇技术创新战略研究

7.Growth Pole Theory and Its Apocalypse to Gansu's Economy Development增长点理论及对填充甘肃新增长点的启示

8.To analyse Jing-Jin-Ji regional economy development through growth pole theory从增长极理论看京津冀区域经济发展

9.The Evolution and the Latest Developments of Economic Growth Pole Theory经济增长极理论的演变和最新进展

10.The comment on regional growth pole theory简评区域增长极理论