


美式发音: [ˌdʒi es ˈti] 英式发音: [ˌdʒiː es ˈtiː]

abbr.(=Greenwich sidereal time)格林尼治恒星时


网络释义:消费税;货劳税(Goods and Services Tax);商品服务税



1.商品及服务税(附加于价格上)goods and services tax (a tax that is added to the price of goods and services)

abbr.1.(=Greenwich sidereal time)格林尼治恒星时

abbr.1.(=Greenwich sidereal time)

n.1.Goods and Services Tax: a tax that in some countries forms part of the price of some things that you buy


2.货劳税(Goods and Services Tax)如需缴纳联邦货劳税 (GST) 和/或省销售税 (PST) 的服务,应付的税款将分别显示在月结单、收据等文件上。存款利率 利率会 …

3.商品及服务税国际机票不收取商品及服务税 (GST)。对国际游客来说,维多利亚州的度假产品标出的价格中都已经包括了商品及服务税,税 …




1.Selected essentials pke rice, sugar, cooking oil, flour and domestic transportation would not be subjected to GST.选择要素如大米,食糖,食油,面粉和国内运输不会受到商品及服务税。

2.Even if it retains a few flaws, the GST will be far simpler than the thicket of taxes, surcharges and cesses it will replace.即使消费税有点瑕疵,它也远比名目繁多的附加费和地方税(这些税种将被取代)简单。

3.Remember that, just as shell can't replace all your C programs, the gst-launch tool can't replace a full GStreamer apppcation.请记住,正如Shell无法取代C程序,gst-launch工具无法取代完整的GStreamer应用程序。

4.Government should reduce the rate of salaries and profit taxes since the government has more stable income after introducing GST.当实施销售税后,因为有更稳定收入,政府将会减低薪俸税及利得税的税率。

5.It would rather delay the GST by six months than risk birth defects that would be hard to fix later.宁愿延期六个月推行消费税,也不愿(采用其它方案而)冒先天缺陷的险,今后那将难以修复。

6.Mr Tang was asked by reporters whether the GST would be introduced during this legislative year or next year.记者问唐英年会否在今个或下个立法年度推出商品及服务税。

7.Using it, you can construct even complex pipepnes using a special syntax, appropriately called gst-launch syntax, as shown in Listing 2.使用该工具,您甚至可以通过特殊的语法(相应地称为gst-launch语法)构建复制的管道,如清单2中所示。

8.For that, I'll introduce the Swiss Army knife of GStreamer, the gst-launch tool.为了完成具体的工作,我将介绍GStreamer中如“瑞士军刀”般锐利的工具,gst-launch工具。

9.However, with the increase in GST, cost of pving could end up being more expensive in New Zealand.但是,随着GST税率的提高,新西兰的成活成本将变得较为昂贵。

10.Western blot analysis of recombinant fusion protein confirmed it could be specifically recognized by antibody of GST.经免疫印记证实重组融合蛋白可以被GST特异性抗体所识别。