




1.叫我怎能不爱你 ... JSF 开发的开源论坛源代码 Guice叫我怎能不爱你? IT 朋友们,曾经的女人这样对男 …


1.According to the Guice best practices guide, constructor injection is the preferred way to ask for your dependencies.根据Guice的最佳实践指南,构造函数注入是询问依赖项的首选方式。

2.If you don't ask Guice to create FrogMan, the annotation has no effect on the code's behavior.如果不要求Guice构建FrogMan,这个注释对代码行为就没有任何影响。

3.Note that Guice can be used in OSGi without Sisu; the 3. 0 release provides standard OSGi interoperation out of the box.需要注意的是,没有Sisu,Guice自身既可用在OSGi中;其3.0版本提供了开箱即用的标准的OSGi互操作性。

4.Unlike Guice, our DI has a concept of scope lifecycle which is very important for a framework like Cayenne.与Guice不同的是,我们的DI有作用域生命周期的概念,这个概念对Cayenne这样的框架来说非常重要。

5.However, the most direct influences are the contextual state management model of Seam and the type safe dependency injection model of Guice.但是,最最直接的影响来自于Seam的上下文状态管理模型和Guice的类型安全依赖注入。

6.One effective refactoring strategy is to introduce to the application a dependency injection 16 container like Spring or Google Guice.有效重构的一个战略,是向程序引入一个依赖注射16容器,例如Spring或者GoogleGuice。

7.Interesting - the tie in to Seam is obvious, but this is the first I've seen of any involvement from the Guice team. . .非常有趣——其中与Seam有明显的联系,但这是我第一次看到任何与Guice团队有牵连的东西……

8.This means Guice will keep the refinery around, and whenever another instance requires a fuel source, Guice will inject the same refinery.这意味着Guice会一直保持“提炼厂”可用,只要另一个实例需要燃料源,Guice就会注入相同的“提炼厂”。

9.All three versions of FrogMan exhibit the same behavior: Guice injects the appropriate Vehicle when they're constructed.三个FrogMan版本都展示了相同的行为:Guice在构建时注入相应的Vehicle。

10.Currently, Jersey can integrate with Spring, Guice, and can support ATOM representation with apache-adbera integration.目前,Jersey可以集成Spring、Guice,还支持ATOM表示形式与apache-adbera的集成。