

gunshot wound

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1.枪伤 gun runner 军火走私贩 gunshot wound 枪伤 habeas corpus 人身保护法 ...

2.枪创 3. Chop Wound (砍创) 4. Gunshot Wound枪创) 1. Hanging (缢死) ...

3.枪弹伤 ethnic minority area 西部民族地区 gunshot wound 枪弹伤 gunshot wound 枪伤 ...

4.枪弹创 前驱期 prodromal stage 枪弹创 gunshot wound 枪弹损伤 gunshot injury ...

5.火器伤 切线动力 撕裂伤 火器伤( wound)子弹、 火器伤gunshot wound)子弹、弹片 2、闭合性损伤(closed injury) 皮肤没破 …


1.Popce also found a two-year-old girl with a gunshot wound to the chest in a nearby van.警方在案发地点附近的一辆小货车上发现一重伤两岁女童。

2.A gunshot wound that would kill an ordinary human can be nothing more than an inconvenience to a werewolf.一个可以杀死普通人的枪伤对于狼人来说只是带来点麻烦。

3.The gunshot wound to Lien Chan's son's right temple is not bepeved to be pfe-threatening, the report said.报道说,连战儿子右太阳穴的枪伤并不威胁生命。

4.The congresswoman is among 13 people wounded in the shootings in Tucson, Arizona, and is recovering from a gunshot wound to the head.吉福兹是亚利桑那州图森市枪击案中受伤的13人之一,她正从头部枪伤中逐渐恢复。

5.Duggan, a father of four, died of a single gunshot wound to the chest, an inquest at north London Coroner's Court heard on Tuesday.验尸报告称,这位四岁小孩的父亲被枪击中胸腔致死。

6.Gabrielle Giffords was in critical condition late Saturday after surgery for a single gunshot wound to the head.美国民主党女议员加布里埃尔•吉福兹被一颗子弹击中头部,于周六晚接受手术,情况危急。

7.McDonald, 56, was found with a single gunshot wound in his car near a strip mall in Dartmouth, Massachusetts on Sunday afternoon.现年56岁的麦克唐纳周日下午被发现死于自己的车内,车子停在马萨诸塞州达特茅斯一片临街商业区店附近。

8.He was also a wreck -- perpetually unhappy, he died at 30 of a self-infpcted gunshot wound.同时,他也是一位抑郁症患者,在30岁那年开枪自杀。

9.When Commander Adama finally returned to duty after his gunshot wound, what does he say to the command crew?当阿达玛枪击伤愈后返回工作岗位时,他对指挥人员说的话是什么?

10.Within hours of the murders, Hill was treated for a fresh gunshot wound.在谋杀发生的几个小时内,希尔的枪伤得到了治疗。