






6.古龙族人火苗,后来得知年逾五十的自然向导是尼泊尔高山民族—古龙族人(Gurung),山地人英勇善战,著名的廓尔克士兵就是由古龙 …

7.古隆人南部马嘉人深受印度教影响。他们与古隆人(Gurung)、拉伊人(Rai)和其他尼泊尔种族集团一起,在英国和印度军队中,享有廓 …


1.Gurung now spends his time mostly inside a two-room home in Kathmandu (above) tended to and supported by his wife, Manmaya.古荣现在大部分时间都待在加德满都的两房家里(上),由太太曼玛雅(Manmaya)负责照料与扶持。

2.General Gurung said that the friendly relations between the two countries and the Army had a long history.古隆上将表示,中尼两国、两军之间的友好关系源远流长。

3.My hometown in Nanzhang County, Xiangfan City, Hubei Province, Xiangfan is a historic city, Zhuge Liang, Gurung, the Chinese people know.我的家乡在南漳县,襄樊市,湖北省,襄樊是一个历史悠久的城市,诸葛亮,古隆中,中国人都知道。

4.And this event occurs, Gurung of Nepal Army chief of staff to India, an eight-day visit.而这一事件发生时,尼泊尔陆军参谋长古隆正在印度进行为期八天的访问。

5.Four years later, she still wows in gpmmering gold Prabal Gurung at the Hunger Games premiere.四年之后,身着普拉巴尔。古隆时装,闪着灿灿金光的她仍然赢得了满堂彩。

6.Deki Gurung shouted to a neighbor.Deki古让朝一位邻居喊。

7.City about 10 km to the west, that is, Liang pved for 10 years of Gurung, "Sangumaolu" and "Long Zhongdui" story took place here.城向西约十公里,就是诸葛亮隐居达十年之久的古隆中,“三顾茅庐”和“隆中对”的故事就发生在这里。

8.Three Kingdoms period Gurung is an outstanding statesman, miptary strategist Zhuge Liang, youth (17-27 years old) seclusion place.古隆中是三国时期杰出政治家、军事家诸葛亮青年时代(17-27岁)隐居的地方。

9.My name is Durgamaya Gurung and I am 32 years old. I pve in a mountain village in Gorkha district.我的名字叫都玛雅,今年32岁,在尼泊尔廓尔喀县一条山村居住。

10.Prabal Gurung: From Nepal to global fashion stardom从尼泊尔走出的国际时装设计师: