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网络释义:肝炎相关抗原(hepatitis-associated antigen);高空飞艇(High Altitude Airship);height above airport



1.肝炎相关抗原(hepatitis-associated antigen)又称为肝炎相关抗原HAA),出现于患者血清ALT升高前2~8周,至恢复期HBsAg滴度逐步降低乃至消失,抗HBs出现,但 …

2.高空飞艇(High Altitude Airship)导弹防御局高空飞艇(HAA)计划 美国导弹防御局从2003 年开始实施高空飞艇先期概念技术演示计划,旨在验证一种可 携带多种 …

3.height above airportHEIGHT ABOVE AIRPORT (HAA), Is the parenthetical figure following MDA which, when added to the airport elevation, will gi…

4.烷基酰胺·供应羟烷基酰胺HAA)/F125(F125B)纯聚酯固化剂(08月18日) 1 直接到第 页 共 10 条信息,当前显示第 1 - 10 条,共 1 页 …


1.It is not very comfortable, and i have to look after myself, But i haa a good time and made some great friends.生活并不很舒服,我得自己照顾自己。但是我还是经历了一段快乐的时光,交了些好朋友。

2.The JBR with its high removal efficiencies of sulfur and dust and short, compact structure haa potential for industrial apppcations.该装置脱硫、除尘效率高,塔体高度较低,结构紧凑,具有很好的应用前景。

3.What a far cry from the hoo-haa a few months ago over the US's deteriorating fiscal position and worries about runaway inflation .这与几个月前对于美国财政状况日益恶化的大惊小怪和对通胀率如脱缰之马迅速上升的担忧,形成了天壤之别。

4.The event is co-hosted by Harvard Alumni Association (HAA) and Harvard Club of Beijing (HCB).本次活动由哈佛校友会与北京哈佛校友会联合举办。

5.TTHM and HAA are the cancer and heart-disease causing agents in drinking water.TTHM和HAA是在饮用水方面引起代理人的癌症和心脏病。

6.Haa . . . Well, Canada is farther north than China.哈哈,加拿大要比中国远远靠北。

7.The city of Beijing is the first stop for HAA Travel Program which will continue visit other cities in China.校友会旅行团将北京设为中国之行的第一站,随后还将访问中国的其他城市。

8.Haa! Look at the cat, she is in a red skirt. She is beautiful.哈!看这只猫,她穿着红色的裙子。她很漂亮。

9.Marisa: Haa. . . Reimu, can I go home now?魔里沙:哈…灵梦,我现在能回去吗?

10.Haaa ha ha haa! Now, heathens. . . face the TRUE might of Bethekk!哈哈哈哈!现在,异教徒们…面对比塞克真正的力量吧!