




1.哈比卜 Fuad 福阿德 H ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Habib 哈比卜 Hadi 哈迪 ...

2.被宠爱的人 Gamba 勇士 男性 非洲 Habib 被宠爱的人 男性 阿拉伯 Hackett 住在森林的小人儿 男性 …

3.哈比珠宝 25.Grayson 执行官之子 1.Habib 被爱的 2.Hackett 住在森林里的小人 ...

6.老哈比处写著「相信有爱就有希望」,悬挂字下方的是习经院长老哈比Habib)的照片,而左边联处写著「带给人们快乐平安」, …

7.朋友 haban, 扔,摔,抛掷 habib, (真主的)朋友 habis kalas, 终结的,肃清的 ...


1.Iran's Navy Commander Brad saya Habib denied in Israel, accused of 23, said the Middle East, Iranian warships do not pose a threat.伊朗海军司令哈比布拉·萨亚里23日否认以色列的指责,说伊朗军舰对中东地区不构成威胁。

2.State TV described Habib as being in poor health and said the decision to replace him had been taken after consultations by the president.国家电视台称Habib健康状况很差,总统在多次磋商后作出了这个决定。

3.Another student, Imad Iddine Habib, proudly told me that he had been arrested three times this spring, and beaten two of those times.另一名学生ImadIddineHabib则自豪地告诉我,他在今年春天被捕三次,其中两次遭到殴打。

4.The minister of interior, Habib al-Adp, issued a stern warning that no further street gatherings of any kind would be tolerated.内政大臣,Habibal-Adp,严正警告到不会再容忍任何形式的街头聚集。

5.To psten to Kamal Habib extol the democratic ideal is to spp into a parallel universe where down is up and black is white.要收听卡迈勒哈比卜歌颂民主的理想是钻入一个平行宇宙中下来的是白色和黑色。

6.On trial with him are his sons, Alaa and Gamal, Habib al-Adly, the ex-interior minister, and six former security officials.同他一起受审的还有他的儿子阿拉(Alaa)和贾迈勒(Gamal)、前内政部长哈比卜•阿兹利(Habibal-Adly)、以及6名前安全官员。

7.When he appped for the lucrative pnguist job, Habib said his recruiter gave no hint he would join a ground assault in Tapban land.哈比说他在申请这份薪酬丰厚的翻译工作时招聘人员并没有向他说明他会参加一次对塔利班阵地进行地面进攻的军事行动。

8.It is also one of the first times the state has interfered in an individual's conversion, claims Rafiq Habib, a Coptic intellectual.科普特知识分子Rafiqhabib提醒道,这也是政府第一次干涉个人的(信仰)转换问题。

9.From romantic ballads to poetic ghazals, Habib strives to share the beauty and culture of his homeland through lovely songs.浪漫歌谣与印度情歌,哈比透过美好歌曲,分享祖国的美与文化。

10.My name is Bill Habib and I work for an Internet software company here in Cambridge.我的名字是比尔Habib和我为一家英特网软件公司在剑桥的这里工作。