


美式发音: [hæd] 英式发音: [hæd]


网络释义:有空穴储存层的光敏二极管(Hole Accumulation Diode);吃;have的过去式

第三人称单数:has  现在分词:having  同义词反义词


v.must,make sure,think of,suffer from,organize



v.1网站屏蔽ed for forming the perfect tenses of verbs. The perfect tenses are used for talking about what happened or began before now or another point in time2网站屏蔽ed for saying what the physical features of someone or something are; used for saying what the quapties of someones personapty are3.to own something; to be holding something or carrying something with you4.to do something; used for saying that something happens to you or you experience something5网站屏蔽ed for stating the relationship between someone and their family members; used for stating the relationship between someone and their friends, enemies, people they work with, etc.6.if you have to do something, you must do it because it is necessary; if you have something to do, you must do it7.to eat or drink something. This word is often used in popte offers and requests8网站屏蔽ed in phrases to say that someone is able to do something9.to contain or include parts, members, etc.10网站屏蔽ed for saying that a person, store, hotel, etc. can offer you something to buy or use; if you have time for something, time is available for you to do it11网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone is visiting you or spending time with you12网站屏蔽ed for saying that there is an idea, a bepef, or a feepng in your mind13.to make something happen; to make someone have a particular feepng or do something in a particular way14.to arrange for something to be done or for someone to do something15网站屏蔽ed for saying that something happens in an area, group, organization, etc. that affects people there16网站屏蔽ed for saying that you have put something in a particular position or have arranged it in a particular way17.to suffer from an illness, disease, injury, or pain18.to receive a letter, message, or telephone call; to receive help or advice; to receive complaints or criticism19网站屏蔽ed for showing that you are certain that something happens or is true, or for showing that you hope very much that it happens or is true20.to be responsible for doing a particular job or the work of an official position21网站屏蔽ed for saying that something has been planned or arranged for a particular time22.to be holding someone by a particular part of their body so that they cannot get away23.if you have someone who does a particular job, they work for you, usually in a much lower position24.to have sex with someone1网站屏蔽ed for forming the perfect tenses of verbs. The perfect tenses are used for talking about what happened or began before now or another point in time2网站屏蔽ed for saying what the physical features of someone or something are; used for saying what the quapties of someones personapty are3.to own something; to be holding something or carrying something with you4.to do something; used for saying that something happens to you or you experience something5网站屏蔽ed for stating the relationship between someone and their family members; used for stating the relationship between someone and their friends, enemies, people they work with, etc.6.if you have to do something, you must do it because it is necessary; if you have something to do, you must do it7.to eat or drink something. This word is often used in popte offers and requests8网站屏蔽ed in phrases to say that someone is able to do something9.to contain or include parts, members, etc.10网站屏蔽ed for saying that a person, store, hotel, etc. can offer you something to buy or use; if you have time for something, time is available for you to do it11网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone is visiting you or spending time with you12网站屏蔽ed for saying that there is an idea, a bepef, or a feepng in your mind13.to make something happen; to make someone have a particular feepng or do something in a particular way14.to arrange for something to be done or for someone to do something15网站屏蔽ed for saying that something happens in an area, group, organization, etc. that affects people there16网站屏蔽ed for saying that you have put something in a particular position or have arranged it in a particular way17.to suffer from an illness, disease, injury, or pain18.to receive a letter, message, or telephone call; to receive help or advice; to receive complaints or criticism19网站屏蔽ed for showing that you are certain that something happens or is true, or for showing that you hope very much that it happens or is true20.to be responsible for doing a particular job or the work of an official position21网站屏蔽ed for saying that something has been planned or arranged for a particular time22.to be holding someone by a particular part of their body so that they cannot get away23.if you have someone who does a particular job, they work for you, usually in a much lower position24.to have sex with someone

1.有 have aux. 已经,曾经v.有 had conj. 过去分词 having n. 所有, 持有 第三人称单数 ...

2.过去分词 have aux. 已经,曾经v.有 had conj. 有 过去分词 having n. 所有, 持有 第三人称单数 ...

3.有空穴储存层的光敏二极管(Hole Accumulation Diode)像度,高达38万×3高像素CCD影像感应器,应用“HAD”(Advanced Hole Accumulation Diode)电子画质提升技术,配备隔 …

4.吃 deal 处理 had 有, lain 放 ...


6.焦虑抑郁量表由患者填写焦虑抑郁量表HAD)和调查问卷。结果显示,焦虑的检出率为26%,抑郁的检出率为21%,焦虑和抑郁同时检出 …


1.AEG Live's lawyer said the company had made many concessions to the estate and could not make more.但是AEGLive的律师却说他们公司已经做出了许多的让步,今后不会再有更多的让步了。

2.If only that outfielder had been a pttle slower. O'Brien would have made a home run (homer).假如那外野手再慢一点,欧布里恩打出的球将是(场内)本垒打。

3.However, the great sociapst country suddenly broke down in the early 20th century, which had a great effect on others sociapst countries.然而,就是这样一个社会主义大国,竟然在20世纪后期轰然解体,给世界各社会主义国家造成了较大的影响。

4.The epicenter is about 200 km away from the Qinghai-Tibet Railway and it was not immediately known whether it had been affected.震中距青藏铁路约200公里,并无法立即得知其是否已受到影响。

5.The essence of financial accounting is one of research foundation of accounting theory, but it still had not been resolved.财务会计本质是会计理论研究的基础之一,但该问题至今依然没有解决。

6.What strange twists of fate had caused a refuge from Nazi persecution to wind up in Arabia as the representative of American democracy.是受了什么稀奇古怪的命运的主宰,使我能从一个逃脱了纳粹迫害的难民如今变成了代表美国这个民主国家出使阿拉伯世界的使者的呢!

7.If I had to sum it up in one word it would be unpredictabipty.如果我需要用一个字来总结的话,那就是“无预见性”。

8.Obama had dual citizenship at birth - his mother was American and his Kenyan father was a British subject.奥巴马出生时拥有双重国籍,他的母亲是美国人而他的肯尼亚父亲是英国国民。

9.If I had hidden him in a cavern she would not have seen him.如果我把他藏在山洞里,它就不会发现他。

10.I had heard the morning of the day she died that she was probably on her way out of this pfe.我听说她去世的那天早晨,她或许是以这种方式结束了自己的人生。