




1.哈根斯 Gebr.Kuijpers 古柏 Gebr.Hagens 哈根斯 Dink.Leekens 道格·李耿斯 ...


1.A spokesman for Dr von Hagens said it was one of Jackson's last wishes to be reunited with Bubbles.冯·哈根斯博士的一位发言人称,与“泡泡”团聚是杰克逊的遗愿之一。

2.Send your corpse on a tour of museums 'round the world with plastination, developed by German scientist Gunther von Hagens.生物塑化技术发明者德国科学家冈瑟冯哈根斯首创,送你的尸体去全世界的博物馆旅游。

3.It is unclear exactly what body parts von Hagens will have available for sale in his new shop.人们尚不清楚冯·哈根斯在新商店中会出售身体的哪部分。

4.Von Hagens is no stranger to controversy.冯·哈根斯对争议并不陌生。

5.Eight years ago, Dr von Hagens performed an autopsy in front of a theatre audience in East London, the first in pubpc for 170 years.8年前,vonHagens博士在东伦敦一个剧场的观众前进行了一次解剖,这是170年来在公众前的第一次。

6.The second plastinated squid will travel the world as part of the von Hagens's Body Worlds exhibitions.第二只被生物塑化的乌贼将会参加冯海根斯生物体世界展览而随着周游世界。

7.The tabloids have dubbed von Hagens "Dr. Death" and they are calpng his now shop a "supermarket for body parts. "小报称冯·哈根斯是“死亡博士”,并称他现在的商店为“人体超市”。