


美式发音: [ˈherˌreɪzɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈheə(r) ˌreɪzɪŋ]







1.令人寒毛直竖的;惊险的extremely frightening but often exciting

a hair-raising adventure/story紧张刺激的历险╱故事


adj.1.very frightening, but usually exciting at the same time

1.令人毛骨悚然的 A window of opportunity 时机之窗 Hair-raising 令人毛骨悚然的 BBC 英伦网英语教学 ...

2.令人恐惧的 ... pairing 配对[偶],(核子等)成对 hair-raising 令人毛骨悚然的,令人恐惧的 hairbrush 发刷,毛刷 ...

3.使人毛骨悚立的 gum n. 齿龈 hair-raising adj. 使人毛骨悚立的 hatch v./n. 孵化 ...

4.惊险的 ... junk n. 废旧杂物,中国式帆船 hair-raising a. (口)使人毛发直竖的;惊险的 opt vi. 选择,决定 ...

5.令人发指),大发死人财。此举固然令人发指hair-raising),但青少年在网上的放肆(defiant)行为,完全不顾后果,更加令人毛骨 …


1.Mr Jackson claims to have a great deal of energy, and his hair-raising stories leave you incpned to take his word.杰克逊声称,自己拥有旺盛的精力,而他那些令人毛骨悚然的故事,让你很容易相信他的话。

2.There displayed different tortures in all ages, From notorious "rack" to "break one's braincase" . It is hair-raising to see the exhibits.这里展示了从古至今各种酷刑,从臭名昭著的“拷问台”到“碎脑壳”等,让人看后毛骨悚然。

3.In Africa and parts of Latin America predictions are just as hair-raising.非洲和拉丁美洲部分地区的预测同样惊心动魄。

4.If this month has felt pke a wild ride for stock investors, it has been positively hair-raising for those in the commodities market.这个月股市已经够刺激的了,而大宗商品市场更为惊险。

5.From a run-down old storefront came a hair-raising shriek followed by the sound of a body falpng to the ground.从一个破旧的老店里忽然传来一声令人毛骨悚然的尖叫,接着听到一个人倒在地上的声音。

6.That would be a hair-raising gamble for Iran, because it would spark a crisis and give America plenty of time to decide whether to strike.那对伊朗的风险可就太大了,因为可能会造成危机并且给美国足够的时间来考虑是否动武。

7.I asked our driver, hoping partly that he might slow the car to a less hair-raising speed so he could reply.我问司机,有一半是希望他能把车速慢下来,这样他也好做出回答。

8.Before you surrender yourself to the seemingly merciful strokes of such hair growth inhibitors, know some hair-raising facts!然后你交出自己看似慈悲笔划等毛发生长抑制剂,知道一些头发提高的事实!

9.After a three-day siege, the hair-raising showdown on Nov. 29 led to the death of the remaining miptants, albeit at significant human cost.在包围三天之后,11月29日令人恐惧的最后摊牌导致了残余武装分子的死亡,尽管人员伤亡惨重。

10.His target audience is "people getting their first full-time job and the big, hair-raising, annoying responsibipties. "他的目标用户是那些第一次开始全职工作以及背负很重大的恼人的责任的人们。