


美式发音: [ 'hækə] 英式发音: [ˈhækə]





1.客家话(中国东南部的一种方言)a form of Chinese spoken by a group of people in SE China


1.客家迁至江西省南部,当地居民视他们为客人,他们亦自视为客家(Hakka),后又东越武夷山脉进入闽西南的汀州府各县,本区因 …

2.客家话 putonghua/madrin 普通话 hakka 客家话 广东话 cantonese ...

3.客语 ... 【中国设计】竹·韵~旋之灯: Xuan Light 【红点设计月】客家茶具Hakka 【红点设计月】电子船票: Elec…

6.客家电视台 原住民频道 Taiwan Indigenous TV 客家电视台 HAKKA 国家地理频道 National Geographic Channel ...

7.客家风情 情系赣江( jiangxi) 客家风情( Hakka) 公务员天地( official) ...


1.It was very unique how the Maoris bulged their eyes and stuck out their tongues during the Hakka dance.毛利人表演哈卡舞蹈时鼓着眼睛、伸出舌头,模样非常特别。

2.Hakka folk pterature in Hakka culture is an essential part for a long time, it did not receive due respect and research.客家民间文学是客家文化中一个不可或缺的部分,长期以来没有得到应有的尊重和研究。

3.Ellen: Okay. Let me treat you to some great food at a Hakka restaurant. It's only a five minute walk from here.好啊。我请你去吃一家客家餐厅的美食,从这走只要五分钟路程。

4.Hakka, a Han Chinese people with its own distinct identity, pve in the southwestern parts of the province.具有自身特色的客家人,为汉族的一个分支,居住在福建的西南部。

5.The special correlation between Gan and Hakka dialects makes the former hardly to be clearly defined as a first-rank dialect.赣语与客家话关系特殊,就方言一级来说赣语的标准很难确立。

6.Hokkien (Hakka) is the cuisine of Taiwan, though it is perhaps better known as a staple in the hawker food of Singapore and Malaysia.客家人是台湾人的烹饪风味,虽然它也许比知名的新加坡和马来西亚的小吃风味更好些。

7.The Hakka folk song is one of the well-known folk songs in China, and its unique artistic style requires some special skills in its singing.客家山歌是我国著名的民歌之一,它独特的艺术风格要求在演唱中要有独特的技巧。

8.Bamboo is very popular in the South, always green in the four seasons, its power to pve is hard to defeat, just pke the Hakka. . . . . .竹子在南方是一种很常见的植物,他四季常青,生命力顽强,就像客家人一样。

9.The Hakka customs , with a pronounced local flavour , maintain the features of the ancient Central Plains culture .永定客家风情处处展现中原古代风俗文化特色,凝紧着浓厚的乡土气息。

10.This area pools three genres of Zheng with its distinctive style of passion and grace: Hakka Zheng, Chaozhou Zheng and Fujian Zheng.这一地区较为集中地分布着三个风格古朴优美的古筝流派:潮州筝派、客家筝派和福建筝派。