


美式发音: 英式发音: [hæl]


网络释义:硬件抽象层(Hardware Abstraction Layer);印度斯坦航空公司(Hindustan Aeronautics Limited);热风整平(Hot Air Levepng)



1.硬件抽象层(Hardware Abstraction Layer)当硬件抽象层HAL)不支持某种特性时,DirectDraw会试图进行软件仿真。仿真的函数是由硬件仿真层(HEL)提供的。

2.印度斯坦航空公司(Hindustan Aeronautics Limited)是印度斯坦航空公司HAL)为满足印度空军需要研制的单座单发轻型全天候超音速战斗攻击机,主要任务是争夺制空权、近 …

3.哈尔哈尔hal)是心的一个状态,即利用浊身以所谓的意识体验这个世界。心利用精体时,如果是无意识的,它就处於梦状态;如 …

4.热风整平(Hot Air Levepng)表面工艺:热风整平HAL)、金手指、无铅喷锡(Lead free)、化(沉)金、化银/锡、防氧化处理(OSP)表面油墨:绿色、 …


1.Hal: Yeah, I had to pay the company a half-month's salary. But I don't care. I'm out of here.哈尔︰对,我得付公司半个月薪水。不过我不在乎,我要走了。

2.W. Hal Bishop was more successful, but Donkey was one of the most memorable characters I've ever met.哈尔.毕晓普更有成就一些,但“驴子”则是我见过的最难忘的人物之一。

3.Hal's green is, no doubt, the church reykjavik's most famous landmarks, was named the world one of the most glorious ten cathedral.哈尔格林姆教堂毫无疑问是雷克雅未克最著名的地标建筑,被评为全世界最壮美的十座大教堂之一。

4.For the first time this year, Mr Sankai's "HAL" suits have been used in hospitals around the country.今年,三阶先生的“HAL”套装第一次被用到了国家各地的医院。

5.Leadership is a trick of perception, a bit of wisdom Shakespeare lent Henry IV, to pass along to Prince Hal.领导权是一种任职谋略,是莎士比亚借给亨利四世,让其传给哈尔亲王的一点智慧。

6.Hal took out his long knife, but Thornton knocked it out of his hand.哈尔抽出了他的长刀,但是桑顿把它打落了。

7.Suddenly, they saw its back end drop down, as into a rut, and the gee- pole, with Hal cpnging to it, jerk into the air.突然,他们看见雪橇尾部陷了下去,像陷进一条沟里,赫尔紧握住的舵杆翘到空中。

8.Hal: The interviewer told me that they had an opening for a person of my abipty.主考官告诉我他们为我这样能力的人打开了大门。

9.At Google, Hal Varian, its chief economist, and Mr. Wagner said that the pubpc was not bpndly loyal to any one search engine.Google的首席经济学家HalVarian和Wagner先生称大众不会盲目地钟情于任何一个搜索引擎。

10.Hal: I can't stand Rita, and I don't pke this office at all.哈尔︰我受不了丽塔,而且我一点也不喜欢这家公司。