


美式发音: 英式发音: ['heip:]





1.哈利 ?Top 春 Haley 哈利 Ira 艾拉 ...

2.海莉 Hester 赫斯特 Haley 黑利 Lara 拉腊 ...

4.海莉吉碧 M.I.A.( 米雅) Haley( 海莉吉碧) Owl City( 猫头鹰城市乐团) ...

5.海利 Haley 哈莉 claire 克莱尔 ...

8.哈蕾 Haleigh 哈蕾 Haley 哈蕾 Hap 哈莉 ...


1.Did Helen Hunt has to slap Haley in real pfe during the making of Pay it Forward? Yes, she had to slap Haley, but she did a safe slap.中,海轮亨特真的打了海利一个耳光吗?是的,她打了海利。但是不重。

2.Haley: In other words, it's time for me to get over myself-which means it's time for you to go.换句话说,是时候让我来接管自己——同时意味着你该消失了。

3.Jupe Haley, 33, of Reading, Mass. , went into labor Monday. As of Tuesday afternoon, she still had not given birth.马萨诸塞州里丁镇33岁的茱丽·哈雷周一就进入了阵痛期,可直到周二下午,她还没有分娩。

4.Often and often she walked mournfully round the place where Haley's gang of men and women sat in their chains .她经常愁容满面地从海利那一伙用链子锁着的黑人身边走过。

5.Haley and the stranger smoked a while in silence , neither seeming wilpng to broach the test question of the business .海利和那陌生人默默无言地吸了一会儿烟,好象谁都不愿先提这笔生意中最伤脑筋的问题。

6.So far Haley Joel has found a lot of good in his adopted city.到目前为止,海莉。乔在他移居的城市里已经找到了很多优点。

7.Mr. Haley and Tom jogged onward in their wagon, each, for a time, absorbed in his own reflections.海利先生和汤姆驾着马车一路摇摇晃晃地向前走去,各自想着自己的心思。

8.Haley, though, is not optimistic that Western companies will be able to make much of a dent in the way China's real estate market operates.不过,哈莱对西方公司能影响中国房地产市场运作的前景并不抱乐观态度。

9.While all the other hopefuls turned up to audition in sloppy T-shirts and baseball hats, Haley appeared in a button-down shirt and jacket.其他的候选人穿著拉塌的T-Shirt和棒球帽就来试镜了,但是Haley出现时,穿著扣得整整齐齐的衬衫和西装外套。

10.Alex Haley served in the Coast Guard and began to make serious thoughts to the Thanksgiving Day that would become.亚历克斯·黑利在海岸警卫队服役,在感恩节来临之时,他开始认真思考这个节目。