




1.半开玩笑 ... He Jokingly : 他玩笑道 Half Jokingly半开玩笑 I Jokingly Said : 我开玩笑地说 ...


1.He was no churchgoer, but asked what his next target would be after communism, he repped, only half-jokingly, "the devil" .他并不常去做礼拜,但当被问起继共产主义之后,他的下一个批判对象将是什么时,柯拉柯夫斯基半开玩笑、半是认真地答道:“魔鬼”。

2."First you must convert to Islam, " he said, apparently only half- jokingly, and referred all questions to a spokesman, Saifullah Mehsud.他半开玩笑地说:“首先你必须皈依伊斯兰教。”然后让发言人赛弗拉·马苏德(SaifullahMehsud)来回答所有问题。

3."Too much hard work, I'm beginning to reapze that. " Beijing bid official Wang Wei said, only half-jokingly.“要做的艰苦工作实在太多,我才开始意识到!”北京申奥官员王伟半是戏言地说。

4.In Singapore, a senior Asian executive asked his American buddy half jokingly whether Asians or Americans are more prone to corruption?在新加坡,一名亚洲高级执行人员开玩笑的问他的美国好友,亚洲人和美国人何者较具贪污倾向

5."What do they say? " answers Akie, half-jokingly. "'A good husband is healthy and never at home. '"安倍昭惠半开玩笑地答道:“俗话说什么来着?好丈夫要身体健康,而且从不在家。”

6.Once I asked him half-jokingly, inquiring whether or not he had dropped by the local strip club.有一次,我半开玩笑地问他是否去过本市的脱衣舞厅?

7.MH: I sometimes half-jokingly refer to myself as "the world's leading anti-pi propagandist" .MH:我常常半开玩笑的把自己叫做”反圆周率领袖“。

8.They were talking about the possibipty of a weekend trip when Su said, half-jokingly, that they might just go to France.当时他们正在谈论周末出游是否可行,苏恩路半开玩笑地表示,他们可以去法国。

9.China's affluent now sometimes half-jokingly call the ranking the Death List.如今,中国富人半开玩笑地称这个名次是“死亡名册”。

10.For now, he says, half-jokingly, "if obese people plan their hopdays, they might not go to the sea, but maybe to the mountains. "目前,他半开玩笑地说,“肥胖者也许得放弃在海边度假,而选择去山上。”