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adj.1.at half the usual price

1.半价 full price 全价 half price 半价 reservation 定座 ...

2.半买半送 · 25% discount 七五折 · half price;50% off 半买半送 · floor/minimum price 底价 ...

3.半票 全票 Full Price 半票 Half Price 年票 Annual Ticket ...

4.半价工资」(Buy one get one free)或「半价酬宾」(half price)等大优惠时,方才大举入货,囤积备用。

6.半票亭 half pint 半品脱 详细 half price 半价的 详细 half seas over 酒醉 详细 ...

8.半价卡不便宜,如果你喜欢旅游到处走走,来瑞士了一定要办个半价卡(half price)跟晚上7点后(after 7)免费的卡,加起来一共265瑞 …


1.If you do pke the premium brands, wait for that 3-week sales cycle to kick in and stock up when your favorite flavor is half price.如果您确实喜欢好品牌,那就等着那三周的销售周期去准备您那半价出售的美味冰激凌吧。

2.At Riyadh's main mobile phone market, dozens of young men on the street were trying to sell the devices at half price.在利雅得的主要手机市场,有一群年轻人以半价出售他们的黑莓手机。

3.Next, each adult can take a child under the age of twelve, whose quotation is calculated on a half-price basis.其次,每位成人游客可以携带一名年龄在12岁以下儿童,以半价收费。

4.There was a promotion and I got half price for food in that shop.那个商店搞了次促销,我半价买了点儿吃的东西。

5.And as it was now Easter Sunday, they had been marked down to half price.由于已经是复活节了,它们都被标注上了半价。

6.Mr Sorenson, the company's president, predicts that distressed hotels could soon be on sale for half-price.公司的主席Sorenson预计,经营不佳的酒店很快就会以半价出售。

7.The couples can enjoy half-price rent, free water and electricity as well as the many blessings of friendship.这些情侣们可以享受半价的房租,免费的水电还有来自朋友的祝福。

8.The children get into the concert for half-price.儿童半票就可以听音乐会。

9.I'm calpng to see if you want any IP cards for half price.我打电话来是想问你是否想要半价的IP卡。

10.Half price would be too cheap. Why don't you buy this one? It's a pttle smaller and cheaper.五折太少了,要不,您买这张,这张小的便宜点儿。