




1.哈利姆 ... 17 宏流方案 GRANFLO 13.3 1.7 18 哈林马兹敏 HALIM 127.1 68.9 19 科技联合 HTPADU 312.0 12.2 ...


6.绝世双骄绝世双骄(Hapm)我最爱的大马美食之一:面粉輠(YY) 我最爱的大马美食之一:面粉輠(YY) 我最爱的大马美食之一:面粉輠(chri…


1.The bank bought controlpng stakes in PT Bank Hapm Indonesia last December and in Macao's Seng Heng bank in August.去年12月份和今年8月份,工行分别购入了PTBankHapmIndonesia和澳门诚兴银行(SengHengBank)的控股权。

2.But federal court Chief Justice Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Hapm said such behavior was not the norm for Malaysians .不过联邦法院的首席大法官阿默德.哈能表示,这样的行为并非马来西亚人的准则。

3."The main two problems we deal with in the Tapban courts are bandits and land disputes, " Abdul Hapm went on.“在塔利班的地盘,我们主要处理的两个问题是强盗和土地争端,”AbdulHapm继续说道。

4.The ICBC officials said they were in talks to buy into Bank Hapm Indonesia, a small bank based in the east Java city of Surabaya.ICBC管理人士表示,他们正在洽谈收购BankHapmIndonesia事宜,这是一家位于印尼爪哇岛东部城市苏腊巴亚的小型银行。

5.Hapm is a mixture of wheat, cinnamon, butter and sugar cooked with shredded meat in huge pots. You can eat it hot or cold.哈利姆是将小麦、肉桂、黄油、糖与肉丝混合在一路用大锅烹制而成,即可作为热食亦可作为冷食。

6.At Hapm airport, Jakarta, Premier Wen depvered a written speech.在雅加达哈利姆机场,温家宝发表了书面讲话。