


美式发音: [hæv] 英式发音: [hɑːv]



第三人称单数:halves  现在分词:halving  过去式:halved  同义词反义词


v.bisect,divide,cut in two,cut in half,sppt



1.[i][t](使)减半to reduce by a half; to make sth reduce by a half

The shares have halved in value .股价已经跌了一半。

The company is halving its prices.该公司正将产品半价出售。

2.[t]~ sth把…对半分to divide sth into two equal parts


v.1.to reduce something to half its original size, number, or amount; to be reduced to half the original size, number, or amount2.to divide something into two pieces of equal size

1.对分 half space 半空间 halve 对分 halving method 二等分法 ...

2.减半 ※ universal a. 普遍的,全体的 ※ halve v. 减半 ※ unaffordable a. 负担不起的 ...

3.将……减半 H halfway 半途的 halve 把……平分为二; 将……减半 height 高 ...

4.二等分 过滤器 Filter 二等分 halve 座舱高度 Cabin altitude ...

5.平分 halt instruction 停机指令 halve 二等分,平分 hammer 锤子 ...

6.把…减半 ... hadron n. 强子(参与强相互作用的基本粒子) halve vt. 二等分;把……减半 hans n. 德国人或荷兰人的绰号;汉斯( …

7.把…减半,对分 ... 12.repnquish vt. 交出, 让给 1.halve vt. 把…分成两半;把…减半,对分 2.routinely adv. 常规地,惯常地 ...

8.分成两半 halotolerant molds 抗盐霉菌 halve 分成两半;劈成半胴 ham 火腿;猪胴 …


1.He wants to cut the deficit at least as quickly as Labour intended before the general election (ie, to halve it in four years).他希望大选前,赤字至少能像工党预期的那样得以削减(四年内减半)。

2.Halve the avocado and remove the pit. Use a spoon to scoop out the avocado flesh and place in a bowl. Reserve the shells for serving.牛油果纵切对半去核。勺出牛油果肉放入碗里。牛油果壳预留用来盛蘸酱用。

3.The debt reduction should be big enough to put affpcted economies on a sustainable path. Greece may have to halve its debt burden.减少的债务应该足够为那些正在受折磨的国家指明一条可以接受的道路。

4.And men who have sex two or more times a week halve their risk of a cardiac arrest, a study at Bristol University found.布里斯托尔大学的一项研究表明,一周有两次或两次以上性生活的男性心脏骤停的风险要小一半。

5.Ms Choyleva predicts that annual growth over the next decade will halve from the 10 per cent level to which China has become accustomed.乔伊列娃预测,未来十年,中国的年增长率将会较其业已习惯的10%下降一半。

6.A study at Queen's University in Belfast found that having sex three times a week could halve the risk of heart attack or stroke.英国贝尔法斯特市皇后学院研究发现,每周性交三次可降低一半心脏疾病发作与中风风险。

7.ONGC has no Latin American exposure so it is probably happy to halve the risk by having Sinopec as a partner.印度石油天然气公司在拉美没有业务,因此,有中石化作为合作伙伴,将风险减少一半,它可能会非常高兴。

8.When Emag, the German machine toolmaker, saw its revenues halve in 2009, its owner decided to take radical measures.德国机械工具制造商埃马克2009年营收减半,老东家决定采取大刀阔斧的举措。

9.That pttle flame on the side is peaking out a gap in the furnace halve's refractory.这侧面小火焰已经见顶了在炉内的差距减半的耐火材料。

10.Some areas of the country saw houses halve in value, helping to placing Britain among the worst performers as world house values collapsed.一些地区的房价被腰斩,让英国成为了世界房价下跌中受灾最严重的地方。