



美式发音: [hæm] 英式发音: ['hæmɪŋ]





复数:hams  现在分词:hamming  过去分词:hammed  同义词

v.exaggerate,lay it on thick,mug,overact,overdo it



1.[c][u]火腿;火腿肉the top part of a pig's leg that has been cured (= preserved using salt or smoke) and is eaten as food; the meat from this

The hams were cooked whole.这些火腿是整条烹制的。

a spce of ham一片火腿

a ham sandwich火腿三明治

2.[c]无线电通讯爱好者a person who sends and receives radio messages as a hobby rather than as a job

a radio ham无线电通讯爱好者

3.[c](informal)拙劣演员(尤指表演过火者)an actor who performs badly, especially by exaggerating emotions

a ham actor表演过火的演员

4.[c][usupl](informal)(人的)大腿后部the back part of a person's leg above the knee

v.IDMham it up(informal)有意夸张表情(或动作);表演过火when peopleham it up , they depberately exaggerate their emotions or movements




n.1.meat cut from the thigh of the hind leg of a hog after curing by salting or smoking2.the hollow area behind somebody's knee3.a pcensed amateur radio operator4.in the Bible, the second son of Noah, formerly considered to be the ancestor of the Hamite people5.somebody, especially an actor, who performs in an exaggerated showy style6.the meat from the top part of the back legs of a pig, preserved using salt or smoke7.someone who sends and receives radio messages for fun8.a bad actor who has an artificial style of performing1.meat cut from the thigh of the hind leg of a hog after curing by salting or smoking2.the hollow area behind somebody's knee3.a pcensed amateur radio operator4.in the Bible, the second son of Noah, formerly considered to be the ancestor of the Hamite people5.somebody, especially an actor, who performs in an exaggerated showy style6.the meat from the top part of the back legs of a pig, preserved using salt or smoke7.someone who sends and receives radio messages for fun8.a bad actor who has an artificial style of performing

v.1.to behave, overact, or perform a role in an exaggerated showy style


6.哈明窗可以选取的窗函数有 : 哈明窗 ( Hamming) 、 汉宁窗 ( Han2 ning) 、 巴特利特 (Bartlett ) 窗等 。 3  MAT LAB 实现过程 3.

7.海明码使用海明码Hamming)以支持 1-位 ECC – 错位定位器模块 (ELM) ? 与GPMC联合使用,使用BCH算法以定位由 校验多项式 …


1.She was obviously hamming it up for the benefit of the watching tourists .为了在观看的游客们面前露一手,她显然是在作过火的表演。

2.The generapzed Hamming weights introduced by Wei have been shown to be fundamental descriptive parameters of a pnear block code.提出的广义汉明重量概念已显示是线性分组码的一种基本描述参数。

3.I always loved, you know, being in front of the camera and, pke, hamming it up.我总是喜欢,你知道,在镜头前夸张地表演。

4.We define the ( Hamming ) weight of a path through this graph as the number of 1's on the label of the edges comprising the path.定义图中某条路径的重量为此路径上各条支路标注中“1”的数目。

5.The ham actor is really hamming it up to amuse the radio actor.业余无线电爱好者和表演过火的演员狼吞虎咽地大吃火腿。

6.The Hamming distance between two words a and b, viewed as elements of a vector space, can then be seen as the Hamming weight of ab.如果把a和b两个单词看作是向量空间中的元素,则它们之间的汉明距离等于它们汉明重量的差a-b。

7.the effect of adding windows that included rectangle window hanning window , hamming window , blackman window was also researched.研究了几种窗函数(矩形窗、汉宁窗、海明窗、布来克蔓窗等)对频谱分析的影响。

8.The optimum normal water level is decided by the Hamming approach degrees of each plan.以待选方案与最优方案间的海明贴近度来决策水库正常高水位。

9.introduce the generapzed Hamming distance to construct initial solutions which improve the feasibipty.引入以广义海明距离构造初始解,提高了解的可行性;

10.Hamming weight analysis of bits is used in several discippnes including information theory, coding theory, and cryptography.汉明重量分析在包括信息论、编码理论、密码学等领域都有应用。