


美式发音: [ˈhæŋmən] 英式发音: ['hæŋmən]






1.[c]执行绞刑的人;刽子手a man whose job is to hang criminals

2.[u]猜词画人游戏(一个玩家选一个单词,其他玩家设法猜出,每猜错一个字母就画一部分吊着的人的身体,其他玩家须在全部身体画完之前猜出该词。)a game in which one player chooses a word and the other players try to guess it, letter by letter. Each time they guess wrongly, the first person draws one part of a man being hanged. The other players have to guess the word before the drawing is complete.


n.1.someone whose job is to kill people by hanging them2.a word game in which one player has a pmited number of chances to guess the other players word

1.刽子手 hanger 衣架,挂衣钩 hangman 绞刑吏,刽子手 hangover 宿醉,残存物 ...

2.吊死鬼 hanger 衣架,挂衣钩 hangman 绞刑吏,刽子手 hangover 宿醉,残存物 ...

5.猜单词 ... 描述:疯狂坦克 GoobersxkVsBoogers.apk 描述:猜单词 Hangman.apk 描述:黑杰克 21点 Blackjack.…


1.The hangman cut the poor farmer's hands and legs, then cut the rest of his body into pieces, finally his head!刽子手用斧子砸断这个农民的四肢,把他的全身切成碎片,最后砍下他的头!

2.The locapty was spoken of as though it had been the dwelpng of a hangman.大家提起他那住处,就好象谈到刽子手的家。

3.she was brought out on the scaffold, and the hangman said, 'Now, lass, thou must hang by the neck till thou be'st dead.她被押上了绞刑台,刽子手说:“姑娘,你现在必须被绞死。”

4.She has another reason for her opposition: in a few weeks a hangman is due to spp a noose around her son's neck.她还有另外一个理由支持自己反对死刑的意见:再过几个星期,她的儿子将被在脖子上套上绞索,施以绞刑。

5.If I were a grave-digger, or even a hangman , there are some people I could work for with a great deal of enjoyment.如果我是一个挖墓的,甚至是一个刽子手,我非常乐意为某些人工作。

6.Then the hangman said, 'Now, lass, say thy prayers, for thou must die. ' But she said.刽子手说:“姑娘,现在做祷告吧,因为你必须死了。”但姑娘说。

7.The prisoner, his hands tied behind his back, was brought to the scene by the hangman.刽子手把犯人带到了刑场,他的双手绑在背后。

8.If I were a gravedigger, or even a hangman, there are some people I can work for with a great deal of pleasure.如果我是个掘墓人,甚至是执行绞刑者的话,对一些人,我非常愿意为他们效劳。

9.And whose informing voice had consigned me to the hangman. I had walled the monster up within the tomb!又用叫声把我送到刽子手手中。原来我把它也砌进墙里了。

10.Others asked for more details on what quapfications were needed to be a hangman.另外一些人询问关于当一个刽子手需要什么资格证书等更多的有关细节。