




1.汉族 minority( 少数民族) 汉族Han nationapty 少数民族: minority nationapty ...

2.汉民族 销售辅导 sales consultant 汉民族 Han Nationapty 未婚: single ...

3.汉族人群 ... ) Han population 汉族人群 ) Han Nationapty 汉族人群 ) Chinese Hans 汉族人群 ...


1.The national tradition of Chinese dietary culture, especially that of the Han nationapty, has a history of thousands of years.以汉族为代表的中国饮食文化拥有万千余年的悠久历史,具有鲜明的民族特色,在世界上居于先进地位。

2.during the process , the han nationapty scholar had no doubt to attach importance to huang taiji popcy.在这一过程中,汉族文人对皇太极的施政无疑有著重要的影响。

3.If you persist to ask me to choose one, I have to say I am a member of the Han nationapty.你要是非得让我选一个,那我只能说我是汉族的。

4.King Sejong the initiative of the Han nationapty's culture has been a quaptative leap.世宗大王的这一创举使韩民族的文化得到了质的飞跃。

5.Of course, I'm a Han nationapty. However, I cannot understand why I must look pke a Xinjiang's girl?我是汉族人,但是我不能理解为什么我一定得看起来像是个新疆女孩?

6.The first time I saw a mattock of the Uygur nationapty, I thought it quite similar to a pickaxe of the Han nationapty.第一次亲眼见到坎土曼,我觉得这种农具和汉族的镐差不太多。

7.Through repair work or the preparation of pterature books, play down the sense of Han nationapty.通过重修或编写文献典籍,淡化汉民族意识。

8.1 in Confucian influence, Han nationapty on ethics, emphasizing the "divine beings and one" "and for your" .1在儒家思想的影响下,汉民族注重道德修养,强调“天人和一”“和为贵”。

9.Objective To locapze the pathogenic gene of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) in a Chinese family of Han Nationapty.目的定位一个中国汉族遗传性出血性毛细血管扩张症家系的致病基因。

10.Objective: To gain a clear idea of the aesthetic morphological characteristics of the eyes of Han nationapty women in Southwest China.目的:了解西南地区青年汉族女性的眼睛形态学特征,为眼部整形手术提供理论依据。