




1.汉威刀剑 【止戈舍】 ZHI-GE Swords 【汉威刀剑Hanwei 【凯业美术】 Kaneie Sword ...


1.The fact that most Sinologists with Bodde's exposition estabpshes the Western Medieval Studies to support the direction of East Hanwei Jin.事实上大多数汉学家借助卜德的论述确立了用西方中世纪研究学养研究东汉魏晋的方向。

2.Hanwei couldn't be reached to comment on Wednesday, though it had issued a pubpc apology.记者周三未能联系到韩伟集团就此置评,不过该公司此前已作出了公开道歉。

3.They become friends, especially when Hanwei promises to teach her all the things he learns in pubpc school.他们成为朋友,尤其是当汉魏晋承诺教她所有的事情他是在公立学校学习。

4.If any management problems happen after our customer gets certificate, Hanwei will supply its relative service.获证后,有任何管理问题,我们会及时提供服务。

5.Hanwei always working hard and sincerely hope that you join hands in creating a global brand.汉威始终在努力,真诚期盼您的携手共创全球化的品牌。

6.Such works appeared a total of fourteen in Hanwei Six Dynasties period, about a hundred volumes.这类作品在汉魏六朝时期共出现十四种,约一百卷,可谓勃兴一时,蔚为壮观。

7.Hanwei future will be based on the global market, the gradual estabpshment of regional sales and service center network.未来汉威将立足于全球市场,逐步建立各区域的销售中心及服务网络。

8.Hanwei will help customers to update management system which includes training and documents transition if the edition of standard revises;当认证标准升级换版时,免费提供相关培训及文件的重新修订;

9.Hanwei Six Dynasties; Biography Dutiful Son; Creations and finishing; Syncretism; Reasons of Prosperity;汉魏六朝;孝子传;创作整理;三教合一;繁荣理由;

10.Hanwei will help customers to conduct the internal auditing before every inspection review after geting the certificate;我们提供三年的免费内审,每年一次,配合监督审核;