




1.快乐家 身体 song 幸福的家 Happy home 浴室用品歌词 Bathro ...

3.幸福家园 小熊宝宝 Baby bear 幸福家园 Happy home 青春畅想 Youth dream ...

4.快乐家庭 ... happy childhood 快乐的童年 happy home 快乐家庭 happy hour n. 快乐时间;减价供应饮料等的时间(酒吧间术 …

5.陶然居 【UFT 天然草本芦荟卫生棉】 【HAPPY HOME 陶然居】 【UNA 时尚育儿精品】 ...

6.幸福家庭两期,发行60万册。此外,美国媒体集团也计画於明年创办《幸福家庭》(Happy Home)──一本装饰杂志,主要针对后婴 …

7.快乐回家 篮球教学 Basket Ball 快乐回家 Happy Home 班级温馨之夜 Class Time ...

8.快乐家园 ... |--武川大地 Wuyi Local |--快乐家园 Happy home |--财富地方 Where wealth ...


1.And he has one matchless blessing, enjoyed by so many of you and not bestowed on me, a happy home with his wife and children.此外,我弟弟幸福无比,像你们之中的很多人一样,拥有一个有妻子与儿女的快乐家庭,这是我所不及的。

2.The children grew up in beautiful surroundings but not in a happy home environment.孩子们在美丽的环境中长大,但是却缺少一个幸福的家庭环境。

3.The official paradigm of post-war womanhood was a capable, caring housewife who created a happy home for her husband and children.官方范式战后女性是一个能干的,关怀的家庭主妇,谁创造了一个愉快的家,她的丈夫和孩子。

4.I never thought that alcohol could ease the notion of the sadness Now what used to be a happy home done turned into some bad shit!我从来没有想过酒精可缓解悲伤的概念现在做一个幸福的家变成一些不好的狗屎!

5.Yamaguchi have a happy home, he and his wife have a daughter and a son. Although Mr.山口胜平有一个幸福的家庭,他与妻子有一个女儿和一个儿子。

6.As our family tree, I pve in a happy home, Mom and Dad let me happy as a branch of pfe, I'm pke a leaf.家庭就像我们的大树,我生活在幸福的家里,爸爸妈妈就像树枝让我快乐的生活着,我就像一片叶子。

7.He grew up in beautiful surroundings but not in a happy home environment.他在景色优美的环境中长大。但他家里的氛围却并不好。

8.If you are a Cancer think about how good you feel when you are close to your family and feel safe and secure in a warm, happy home.如果你是巨蟹座,想想当你和家人欢聚一堂深深的享受着温暖祥和中的安全感,该有多美好!

9.Fortran, in particular, has found a happy home under Linux.特别是,Fortran已在Linux下找到了快乐的家园。

10.The boy grew up in beautiful surroundings but not in a happy home environment.这个男孩在美丽的环境中长大,但缺少一个幸福的家庭。