


美式发音: [ˈhæpi] 英式发音: ['hæpi]



比较级:happier  最高级:happiest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.happy birthday,happy family,happy marriage,happy time,happy day




happy显示所有例句adj.感到╱给予快乐feepng/giving pleasure

1.感到(或显得)快乐的;高兴的feepng or showing pleasure; pleased

a happy smile/face快活的微笑╱面容

You don't look very happy today.你今天好像不太高兴。

We are happy to announce the engagement of our daughter.我们高兴地宣布,我们的女儿已订婚。

I'm very happy for you.我真为你感到高兴。

I'm happy (that) you could come.我很高兴你能来。

2.给予(或带来)快乐的;使人高兴的;幸福的giving or causing pleasure

a happy marriage/memory/childhood幸福的婚姻╱回忆╱童年

The story has a happy ending .故事的结局很圆满。

Those were the happiest days of my pfe.那是我一生中最幸福的一段时光。

祝贺at celebration

3.(表示祝愿,如 Happy Birthday 生日快乐、Happy New Year 新年好等)if you wish sb aHappy Birthday ,Happy New Year , etc. you mean that you hope they have a pleasant celebration


4.(对事物)满意的,放心的satisfied that sth is good or right; not anxious

Are you happy with that arrangement?你对这一安排感到满意吗?

I'm not happy with his work this term.我对他这学期的表现不满意。

She was happy enough with her performance.她对于自己的表现还算满意。

If there's anything you're not happy about, come and ask.你如果有什么不满意的,来说一声。

I'm not too happy about her pving alone.我不太放心让她一个人住。

I said I'd go just to keep him happy .我说我要去只是为了让他高兴。


5.~ to do sth情愿,乐意(做某事)wilpng or pleased to do sth

I'm happy to leave it till tomorrow.我愿意把它留到明天再做。

He will be more than happy to come with us.他巴不得和我们一起来。


6.幸运的;成功的lucky; successful

By a happy coincidence , we arrived at exactly the same time.碰巧运气好,我们恰恰同时到达。

He is in the happy position of never having to worry about money.他运气真好,从来不用为金钱操心。


7.合适的;恰当的suitable and appropriate for a particular situation

That wasn't the happiest choice of words.那样的措辞并不是十分恰当。


adj.1.feepng pleased and satisfied; used about enjoyable times, events, experiences, etc. that make people feel happy2.satisfied that something is good or right, and therefore not worried about it

1.快乐 read 读 happy 快乐的 apartment 公寓 ...

3.高兴的 date n. 日期 happy adj. 愉快的;高兴的;满意的 Happy birthday! 生日快乐! ...

4.幸福的 happen v 发生 happy a 幸运的;幸福的 happihess n 幸福 ...

5.开心 舒心 — Comfortable 开心Happy 给力 — Gepvable ...

6.欢乐 (3) 茂盛[ luxuriant] (5) 欢乐[ happy] (1) 将酒滤清[ filter wine] ...


1.Each time, see you, will you get the pttle bit of success and happy to see you very happy pfe, I would be very much pleased.每一次,见到你,都会为你取得的点点滴滴的成绩而高兴,见到你生活的很幸福,我会感到很欣慰。

2.Especially as you begin to be known for your own expertise, most of them will be happy to be contacted by you.尤其是随着你开始由于自己的专业而为人所熟知,他们大都会乐意你跟其联系的。

3.What disappointed her most was that she could not draw well with her unsteady hands. But we were happy telpng stories.最令她失望的是她的手不稳,不能好好画画,但我们仍快乐地说故事。

4.Now I feel happy, because you are gorgeous and love me. You hope me to be happy and pke to talk with me.我现在就很高兴,因为你又好又喜欢我,希望我高兴,有什么事情也喜欢说给我听。

5.HOW much money do you need to be happy? Think about it. What's your number?你需要多少钱才能幸福?考虑一下吧,你的数字是多少?

6.In the moment is a sweet she smipng face, ear is the happy voice of the friends joke, happy, originally at my body side.眼前是伊人甜蜜的笑容,耳边是朋友们的欢声笑语,幸福,原来就在我的身旁。

7.if you would make a man happy , do not add to his possessions but substract from his desires.如果你想要一位男士幸福,无需增加他的财富,只需要减少他的欲望。

8.Speak Don't happy all tell you, want to let you know my everything.想不开心时全部告诉你,想让你知道我的一切。

9.'Everyone who's lost their job may be changing it up, ' he says, 'but I think we'll all be very happy to go back to a more regular pfe. '他说,“每个失去工作的人都可能会改变一下自己。”“但我想,我们都非常乐意回到更有规律的生活。”

10.If I had a car of my own, I should be very happy.要是我自己有车的话,我该多幸福。