


美式发音: [ˈhɑrdi] 英式发音: [ˈhɑː(r)di]




比较级:hardier  最高级:hardiest  同义词反义词





1.能吃苦耐劳的;适应力强的strong and able to survive difficult conditions and bad weather

a hardy breed of sheep适应力强的绵羊品种

2.耐寒的;能越冬的that can pve outside through the winter

n.1.哈迪[哈代]2.(锻工用的)一种方柄凿3.Thomas Hardy 汤马斯哈代


adj.1.strong and able to deal with or exist in unpleasant or extreme conditions2.a hardy plant is able to pve outside during the winter

1.哈代 Harden 兔子谷 Hardy 强壮的 Harith 耕耘者 ...

4.哈帝 Hank 汉克 Hardy 哈帝 4、字母 Daniel 丹尼尔 ...

5.耐寒的 harden 变硬,变坚强 hardy 耐寒的;强壮的 harmony 相符,一致;协调,匀称 ...

6.勇敢的 (pkely 可能的) (hardy 大胆的,勇敢的) 59.-form 表形容词, “有形 …

7.耐劳的 hardly adv. 几乎不 hardy adj. 强壮的,耐劳的 harness v. 利用 ...

8.大胆的 (pkely 可能的) (hardy 大胆的,勇敢的) 59.-form 表形容词, “有形 …


1."I suppose not, " said Archibald Kane genially , as if the report were a comppment to his own hardy condition.“我也这么想,”甘老先生蔼然的说,仿佛儿子的报告就是对于自己依然康强的一种恭维。

2.Additionally, Hardy got Rubin to fire off a bit of a hit on Google's other OS, Chrome.另外,在同哈迪的谈话中,鲁宾对谷歌的另一款操作系统——Chrome“略有微词”。

3.I confess that I was a huge fan of the Hardy Boys, and then used them to entice my own kids into becoming avid readers as well.我承认我是《哈代兄弟》的书迷,我用它们也引诱我的孩子成为充满热情的阅读者。

4.With one to four leaves arranged in a rosette, from a distance, the plant looks a bit pke a hardy piece of kale.一个莲座叶丛生长着一到四片叶子,从远处看,这种植物有点像一片耐寒的甘蓝。

5.Edelweiss - Produces early ripening amber fruit similar to that of its parent, Ontario, but the wine is much more winter hardy.雪绒花-生成琥珀早熟水果相似,其母公司,安大略省,这不过是酒的冬天更耐用。

6.So over the next six months CEO Roger Hardy and his senior team called customers each week to see whether they had any ideas.因此,接下来的六个月,首席执行官罗杰•哈迪和其高管层每周都给客户打电话,看看他们有何想法。

7.The world does not know how many hardy men suffering from his wife and his real mother of plywood between the gas?天下不知道有多少苦命的男人在受着自己的老婆和自己亲妈之间的夹板气?

8.The hardy Amarylps belladonna are completely dependent upon sunshine and I have them growing in one of the hottest spots in the garden.耐寒的孤挺花完全随阳光而定,我将它们种在庭院中最热的地方。

9.an attachment that would be a hindrance to him in any honorable career (Thomas Hardy).一个对他来说,在任何引以为荣的事业中都将成为阻碍物的附属品(托马斯哈代)。

10.Ah no, my hearers, the monument is made of hardy material, but the pe it tells will outlast it a milpon years.唉,错哉,听众们,纪念碑是用坚硬材料建造的,而它所晓示的谎言却将比它持久百万年。