




1.哈蒙 Hulk: 亨尔克 Harmon哈尔蒙 Hermes: 黑尔们斯 ...

3.哈蒙中尉Elpott)即将回归电视台!从1995年到2005年,戴维一直在《执法悍将》(JAG)中扮演哈蒙中尉Harmon),其精彩的表 …

4.哈蒙酒店业,让萨森具备特有的影响力,光集团第一家饭店娱乐场哈蒙酒店Harmon)的开幕,使萨森如虎添翼,在赌城的影响力将 …

5.哈蒙湖条乡村小路,路边的花草树木、各式各样的小楼房非常漂亮。路上还看到一条河,大概是哈蒙湖Harmon)上的一条河,我 …

6.哈门重新评估核轰炸效果,1949年5月11日,空军中将哈门Harmon)完成了对苏联实施核打击可能性效果的预测报告,该报告 …

7.和为贵 ... 较劲 Wrestp 和为贵 Harmon 欢乐今宵 Happy ...

8.和弦 花市 Flower 和弦 Harmon 花之季 Bloos ...


1.Harmon took a semester-long course in Braille and needed two tries to pass a state certification exam.哈蒙学习了一学期盲文,考了两次,才通过了国家认证考试。

2.But Mrs. Harmon Andrews doesn't. She said, 'Dear me, Anne, how you've failed!但是哈蒙.安德鲁太太不这么认为,她说,‘哦天啊,安妮,你变老了!

3.Spend time with your family, a favorite for Glenn Close, Kyra Sedgwick, and Angie Harmon.与家人共度时光,这是格伦.克洛斯、凯拉.塞吉维克和安吉.哈蒙最喜欢的方式。

4.Billy Harmon, 16, had been surfing at Allans Beach yesterday afternoon when he emerged from the water to find his group of friends gone.16岁的BillyHarmon昨天下午在阿兰斯海滩冲浪,当他从水里出来的时候,他发现朋友们都不见了。

5.Katherine Harmon reports More than a quarter of American adults have what's called poor health pteracy.KatherineHarmon在报告中提到超过四分之一的成年美国人健康知识较少,被称为健康文盲。

6."And I've got a doll, " Harmon called back.“我发现了一个布娃娃”哈蒙回应道。

7.Marilyn Harmon, who teaches the visually impaired, says most Braille readers "catch up with their sighted peers by the fifth grade. "教授视障学生的玛丽莲-哈蒙老师说,大多数盲文读者“在五年级之前就阅读能力就跟正常人一样了。”

8."Hang in there, big guy, " Harmon urged. "Stay with me. "“坚持下,小男子汉”哈蒙鼓励道“有我在呢!”

9.The designers were architects Shreve, Lamb and Harmon.帝国大厦的设计者是建筑师施立夫、兰姆和哈蒙。

10.Katherine Harmon reports The stress of the day, from morning traffic to the evening news, can make anyone's blood pressure rise.凯瑟琳·哈蒙研究指出,人一天中的压力,从早晨的交通状况一直到晚间的新闻报道均可能引起任何人的血压升高。