




1.李 尼日利亚 瓦解 Things Fall Apart 哈珀·李 Harper Lee 美国 杀死一只知更鸟 To Kill a Mockingbird ...

4.哈波李读:哈波李(Harper Lee)《梅冈城故事》(To Kill a Mockingbird),by 伍轩宏阅读志《梅冈城故事》 +++++++++++++…

5.杀死一只知更鸟  《杀死一只知更鸟》(Harper Lee)——本书通过一名黑人控告年轻白人女孩对其强奸虐待的案件,探讨了在1930年关于美国南部 …


7.哈伯李文学课会让学生阅读许多美国作家如马克吐温(Mark Twain)、哈伯李Harper Lee)和史蒂芬-克莱恩(Stephen Crane)的 …


1.Delores Hope, who in 1959 was a columnist for the local paper, the Garden City Telegram, also noted Harper Lee's vital role.在1959年,当时德罗丽丝·厚普是当地报纸《花园城电讯报》的专栏作家。他也注意到了哈泼·李的重要角色。

2.They became great friends, and remain in touch to this day, despite Harper Lee's reputation, at the age of 83, for being reclusive.后来她们成为了很要好的朋友,直到今天还保持着联系。尽管83岁的哈泼·李如今是以隐遁而闻名的。

3.To Kill a Mockingbird is the only novel of the American Southern female writer Harper Lee.《百舌鸟之死》是美国南方女作家哈帕·李唯一的一部小说。

4.The story takes place in a town that Harper Lee called Maycomb.故事发生在HarperLee叫做Maycomb的小镇。

5.On Friday, the footballer posted on Facebook that the baby had been named after To Kill A Mockingbird author Harper Lee.上周五,球星小贝在Facebook上发布消息,称女儿得名于《杀死一只知更鸟》的作者哈珀•李。

6.A small shop and a fast-food restaurant called Mel's Dairy Dream have replaced Harper Lee's childhood home.哈珀•李童年时居住的旧址上,现在是一家小店和一家叫做“梅尔的乳品梦”的快餐店的店面。

7.While Capote held forth, Harper Lee accompanied Delores into the kitchen, where they bonded over cooking a goose.卡波特滔滔不绝的时候,哈泼·李就陪着德罗丽丝到厨房,一起做鹅肉。

8.Harper Lee's 1960 paean to the South is one of the most beloved American novels ever written.哈泼·李1960年对南方的赞歌,是美国历来最受喜爱的小说之一。

9.That simple statement says the whole system that Harper Lee questions, in which being black is synonymous with guilt.短短一句话道出了哈珀-李所质疑的整个制度的弊病,即黑人就是罪恶的同义词。

10.I did not need Harper Lee to tell me it was wrong to treat people badly because of colour.我并不需要哈伯.李来告诉我歧视有色人种是不对的。