




1.哈他瑜伽人人适合经常头疼、肠胃不好的人通过练习可以改善哈他瑜伽hatha)一词中,“哈”(ha)是指太阳,“他”(tha)的意 …

5.哈达瑜珈选择瑜伽练习的形式,可以推荐的如:现在十分流行的由哈达体系hatha)和八支分法体系(ashtanga)发展而来的热瑜伽 …


8.古典瑜伽特色课程------- 古典瑜伽hatha)、美体塑身(power)、流瑜伽(flow)、阴瑜伽、排毒养颜、减肥瑜伽、减压美肤、养生理疗 …


1.Hatha yoga has not been used to treat the total personapty. This is why teachers are not able to raise the level of their pupils.他们不使用哈他瑜伽去治疗整个人格,这就是这些老师不能提升学生层次的原因。

2.These then are the basic hatha yoga kriyas which tend to purify the energy patterns and bring a balance between them.然后就是基本的哈他瑜伽身心净化法,用于净化能量模式,并在能量间寻求平衡。

3.Now the time has come to correct this point , hatha yoga is a very important science for humanity today.现在纠正这个观点的时候到了,哈他瑜伽目前对于人文科学而言是一门非常重要的学科。

4.In accordance with the anatomy of Hatha Yoga the body itself consists of three separate bodies and five shells (carrying cases, or shadows).在与哈达瑜伽解剖学,人体自身的三个独立的机构和五弹(提箱,或阴影)由规定。

5.The physical part of the yoga pfestyle is called hatha yoga.瑜伽锻炼身体的部分称为“古典瑜伽”。

6.In fact, we have found that most diseases of a chronic and constitutional nature can definitely be reversed through hatha yoga.事实上,我们发现绝大多数的慢性和先天疾病都可以通过哈他瑜伽得到改善。

7.Hatha yoga is a method of preparing the system for spiritual awakening but it is also a very important science of health.哈他瑜伽是为唤醒灵性而作好系统准备的方法,但是,它同时又是一门非常重要的健康科学。

8.The concept in hatha yoga is , therefore, to bring about a harmony between these two great forces known as ida and pingala.因此,哈他瑜伽的理念是在被称作右脉和左脉的两股巨大的力量间寻求平衡。

9.I always try to combine the philosophy of both Hatha & Ashtanga Yoga cause both have there on understanding & path.我一直致力于融合哈他和阿斯汤噶的智慧,因为两者都有其对于瑜伽的不同理解与通道。

10.When the rishis discovered the science of hatha yoga, they did not have yoga therapy in mind.当圣人们发现了哈他瑜伽这门科学时,他们并未想到瑜伽疗法。