




1.豪泽con)地区进行休整,留在前线的人员与坦克组成了由豪瑟Hauser)中校指挥的毫瑟临时战斗群(Kampfgruppe von Hauser…

3.豪塞 「slem,panette 斯特恩,帕尼特」" 「vieuxtemps,hauser 维奥当,郝瑟」" 「ysa…

8.豪司² 瑞士——肖布林、豪司HAUSER)、斯图德(STUDER)² 意大利——MANDELLI、PAMA ² 捷克——SKODA ² 台湾——高 …


1.It was claimed that this prince had been switched with a dying baby, and had indeed appeared 16 years later as "Kaspar Hauser" in Nuremberg.据说,这个王子被一个垂死的婴儿替换了。真正的卡斯帕·豪泽尔就是16年之后出现在纽伦堡的这个。

2.Take Daniel Hauser, the Minnesota boy currently on the run with his mother to avoid court-ordered medical treatment for his cancer.以丹尼尔·豪塞为例,这个明尼苏达男孩最近与其母出逃,躲避法庭对其癌症进行医学治疗的判令。

3.Hauser went on to say that he had spent most of his pfe in a small cell with one toy and a bed of straw.Hauser说,他一生中的大部分时间都待在一个小屋里,里面只有一个玩具,一张稻草床。

4.and Hauser had brought an old spelpng-book with gnawed edges, which he held wide-open on his knee, with his great spectacles askew.奥泽尔老人还带了一本边角都已破损的旧识字课本,摊放在膝头上,课本上横放著他那副大眼镜。

5.She's been a Friend, a paparazzi magnet, and a haircut. Now, Jennifer Aniston opens up about what really matters to her. By Brooke Hauser.她是一位老友,一块吸引狗仔队的磁石,一种流行发型的趋势。现在,詹妮弗安妮斯顿开始讲述她生命中真正重要的事。

6.Dr Hauser was the only author common to all three papers.Hauser博士是这三篇文章唯一作者。

7.You know what your problem is, Hauser? You're a morapst.你知道你的问题出在哪吗,豪泽?

8.Kuato's gonna make you remember some things you knew when you were Hauser.库阿托会让你想起当你是豪瑟时的一些记忆。

9.Says Hauser: "In France they've done away with that difference. "如豪瑟尔所言:“在法国,他们废除了这种区别。”

10.The human participants in Dr Hauser's experiment were allowed to choose a preferred food, such as raisins or chocolate.参加麦克海瑟尔教授实验的人可以选择自己喜欢的食物,比如说葡萄干和巧克力。