




1.有机会 opportunity n. 机会 短语: have an opportunity 有机会 fear vt. 害怕 畏惧 ...


1.I've worked here as a typist for about a year, and I'd pke to have an opportunity for advancement.我在此做打字员一年了,我期望有个升迁的机会。

2."We have an opportunity to turn up with a good performance [at Stamford Bridge], " he said.“我们有一个机会,在斯坦福桥奉献一场好的表现,”他说。

3.Quite a few people hope to have an opportunity to go abroad for farther study, but only a few will have such a chance.不少人希望有机会去国外学习,然而仅有少数人有此可能。

4."When else, I thought, would I have an opportunity to stay with a sociapte and a nationally known R. & B. star? " he said. Eureka!他说,“我猜想在其它某个地方,我可能与社会名流或是乡村音乐明星住在一起。”真的找到了啊!

5."I always had clear in my mind that I was not going to give up and that I would soon enough have an opportunity to prove myself, " he said.“我总是在脑海中告诉自己我不会轻易放弃并且很快就有机会进一步证明自己的实力,”他说道。

6.it was a wonderful experience , and i certainly hope i will have an opportunity to meet with her again soon . .我希望与她能很快再相见,请转达我们对她的思念与祝福。

7.and then coming you know, full circle, and have an opportunity to play. Like I said, it's a dream come true.然后才,你知道,绕了一大圈才有机会(为他们)打球。就像我说过的,这是梦想成真。

8.At the end of six months, they'll have an opportunity to try out with an MLB club.六个月的培训结束时,他们将有机会进入一家MLB俱乐部考验自己的实力。

9.He says the president, who has promised new U. S. leadership, will have an opportunity to depver in London.他说这位许诺以新的形式领导美国的总统,将有机会在伦敦发表演说。

10.May I have an opportunity of talk with you in person to tell you more about my desire to work in your organization?我可否获得机会与您进一步谈谈我想在贵公司工作的愿望