




1.一起吃晚饭 ... 去乡下玩 spend time in the countryside 一起吃晚饭 have dinner together 和朋友聚聚 hang out with friends ...

2.共进晚餐 ... 家庭团聚: family reunification 共进晚餐have dinner together 赏月: appreciate the glorious full moon ...


1.However late he is, his mother will wait for him to have dinner together.无论多么晚,他的妈妈都会等他一起吃晚餐。

2.On an impulse he said, "Why don't you and I have dinner together? "出于一种冲动,他说:“为什么我们不一起去吃晚饭呢?”

3.On this Sunday, Diego, his wife and I scheduled to have dinner together.这个周日,Diego,Diego的妻子和我,三人提前约好了一起出来聚餐。

4.One of the kind-hearted Mexican invited him to have dinner together.一位墨西哥的好心人邀请他共进晚餐。

5.late he is, his mother will wait for him to have dinner together.无论多晚,母亲都等他一起吃饭。

6.Before I came China this time, I thought that maybe Judy had found a boyfriend and then I can meet him, maybe can have dinner together.在我此次来中国之前,我还在想,Judy可能已经有男朋友了,这样我可以见见他,还可能一起吃个饭。

7.Do you think it is necessary for a family to have dinner together twice or three times or more a week?你认为这是必要的,一个家庭有一起吃饭的两倍或三倍以上一个星期?

8.Why dont we have dinner together to celebrate the success of our first deal. There is a very nice restaurant round the corner.咱们一起吃晚饭,庆祝的首次交易,好不好?附近有一家饭店非常不错。

9.he thinks that you and I should have dinner together.他觉得我们俩应该一起吃晚饭

10.He has decided to go fishing with three of his friends tomorrow morning and have dinner together in the evening.他打算和三个好友,明天上午去钓鱼,然后晚上一起用餐。