




1.有问题 5. have difficulty 有困难 6. have problems 有问题 1. as we know 众所周知 ...

2.做某事有困难 ... have fun doing sth. 没什么区别,可以通用. have problems 做某事有困难 They had no problem 提问者评 …

3.干某事有问题 ... 10.干某事愉快 have fun 12.干某事有问题 have problems 13.干某事有麻烦 have trouble ...

4.遇到麻烦 开始,进行 be on 遇到麻烦 have problems 走向死亡 walk to one’s death ...

5.在某方面的麻烦 4,be relaxed--- 与···关系随意 1,have problems--- 在某方面的麻烦 2,regard--- 把··· …


1.Fortunately, OSGi manages such transitive dependencies for you, and ensures that you never have problems due to incompatible classes.好在OSGi为你管理起这种依赖传递,确保不再出现不兼容类引发的问题。

2.I often have problems sleeping. I suppose I'm trying to do too many things.我经常失眠,因为我总是试图去思考太多的事情。

3.In certain countries, rental car office even at airports are not open 24-hr a day, 365-day a year, so you might have problems with that.在某些国家,汽车租赁办公室,即使在机场没有开放24小时,每天365天的一年,所以你可能有问题的。

4.His hands were trembpng spghtly, and he seemed to have problems keeping a grip on the handlebars.他的两只手都在微微颤抖,好像扶不稳车把。

5.Firms that provide relatively high wages and good working conditions do not seem to have problems attracting employees.那些工资较高,工作条件较好的企业,在吸引员工上似乎并未遇到困难。

6.As you know I'm going to say, there's a second type of guy who have problems with their deeper social skills.我接下来要说什么估计你已经猜到了。还有一种男人,他们的社交技巧有问题。

7.If just a fraction of these vehicles have problems repaying loans, there could be scores of troubled loans hitting the headpnes.即便这些工具只有一小部分出现偿贷问题,也可能导致大量的问题贷款登上中国的新闻头条。

8.Since the parents can't help when the kids have problems, private tutoring seems to be a wise choice.由于父母不能帮助孩子们有问题时,私人家教似乎是一个明智的选择。

9.He could not find anyone to help him either. If he missed this only chance, he might have problems with his residence permit.他又说,如果他错失了这仅有的一次机会,他在英国的居留将成为一大问题。

10.He was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, a mild form of autism, so they thought he might have problems in school.他被诊断为雅斯伯格综合症,这是自闭症的一种比较轻的表现症状。因此他们认为他或许在学校会遇到一些问题。